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Posts posted by DownhillLullaby

  1. Last week of the month it's ahead of us..................................

    She better move... but all of this bullshit is unbelievable... actually not really BUT


  2. 2 minutes ago, HEARTCORE said:

    wasn't someone in her family a hairdresser for michael jackson? i dont think she's loaded but i dont think she comes from a family that struggles

    Yes, her grandmother. But they clearly don't seem rich as people insist. They're doing ok.

    Sky's mother already replied to a Youtube comment saying that.

  3. 1 minute ago, 99tears said:

    I actually think it’s coming April 1st as it’s a Friday 


    But she can't miss the joke, she knows it and stated before that "I'm not lying..."

    That seems like the rollout, (if this is happening because it seems it doesn't) and since March is already gone & done... like...


  4. 14 hours ago, imStiflersMom said:

    imagine her releasing on April Fool's day... that would be iconic :awkney: 


      Hide contents

    lol it ain't happening



    The fact that I'm thinking that she's going to do it...? The irony... 


  5. Sky Ferreira's room website is coming! I'm creating it, I'm going to pretend that i'm Sky Ferreira and give you all that you want.

    I promise


    Perfect Blue (2022) 



  6. 8 minutes ago, EmptyPromises said:


    Omg me too! I can't believe how good the single choices were this era. I loved the 80s Joan of arc theme for the video too :toofloppy:

    IKR bestie! WE WON! Voices Carry (Official Visualizer) so nice!

    Downhill Lullaby mv so good she drowning in on quicksand.... that swamp!

    I Pray For Rain mv... she is under that thunderstorm! A+

    Guardian MV is an angelical one for sure...

    So excited for Descending / Don't Forget release...

    I wonder what's coming next... ZEBRA I'M READY


  7. listening to Guardian and pretending it was released!!!! so good! 


    From now on, I'm delusional! Dealing with Ms. Ferreira I'll pretend things

    I don't deserve this!


  8. 1 hour ago, imStiflersMom said:

    guys this is a bit CRAZY but... i've visited sky ferreira official website a few days ago, and I saw a FAVICON on the website. Now the favicon is gone and with a Wordpress icon, so they might be doing layout changes?





    if you dont know what it is, is the icon that shows on the TAB of the website. 


    1 hour ago, sophiesmom said:


    and its updated with the 2022 trademark which... I mean it may seem obvious but it just means they're still keeping care of the site


    No, her website is without a favicon ages ago. I'm saying this cause I access it lots of time (more than I should)

    And yes, right after the year turned I went there & noticed the 2022 trademark but I think someway it was updated automatically?!

  9. 2 hours ago, HEARTCORE said:

    when (not if) nothing comes, there should be a mass leak just saying of unreleased sky material just saying...


    NGL I got her E-mail and once I almost got access to it but I didn't go forward... She better watch out




  10. 52 minutes ago, imStiflersMom said:

    well, im going to her concert on june so ill just record the live songs I guess lol but idk how I will feel looking at her without an album till that date. :awkney:


    Prepare yourself bestie cause you're going to the concert, she's going to perform new songs but without an album release date...

    Hopefully not? (it would be a surprise really)

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