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Everything posted by SummerDrummer

  1. does anyone know who made or where I could find the original version of this edit in HQ?
  2. The Kim Wiki says that another iteration of the tracklist was given by an "Insider" and it has a different order than the photo from Aaron, is this reliable?
  3. When A&W stands for Amy and Whitney and she samples get free cause now she's reworked Malibu cause she's ready to share the personal lyrics>>>>
  4. is this the syth from instagram? I swear I saw an account post the tracklist a while ago and idk if it was you, sorry if Im wrong
  5. Does anyone know if the final photo used for the lust for life album cover is an edit? As in lana was cut out from a different photo and edited into the car one?
  6. this. hopefully lust for life did cause I can't accept that lana had a little shoot after the love music video and thought yup that's that. but then again she is lazy with covers (bb and nfr singles...) But to have no lfl variants is so likeee???
  7. The way I wouldn't mind that if I knew I was gonna get Lust for Life closure
  8. I don't think I can wait that long now that I'm all riled up
  9. Speaking of lfl, has no one got their hands of the WTWWAWWKD official instrumental? it's been too long
  10. As it should, It's a great album and I just know it could've been greater
  11. This just made me more hungry for new lust for life info/outtakes. The album should've been greater, the retrofuturistic aesthetic was eating, the album deep cuts were eating. something shifted and threw it off balance, I can't breathe
  12. Please The Lust for Lifers wanna know its original concept so we can curate our "OG lfl" playlists. any info on the original tracklist?
  13. Yes Please more Original Lust for life/Best American Record Tea
  14. Wait, I'm so slow so Im sorry If this is a dumb question but is that 'Say Yes to Heaven (Honeymoon Version)' not the honeymoon version?
  15. Hii BOZ, by any chance do you know the original tracklist for lust for life when it was still best American record / before the leak
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