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tulsa jesus freaks

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Posts posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. 6 minutes ago, anwdelrey said:

    Also, unpopular opinion idk, I feel like the one-take vocals a la hope is a dangerous thing/White Dress suited those songs but the novelty of it wears off when she does it again and again and again.


    Examples: Blue Banisters, now The Grants.


    It just doesn’t pack the same punch. It doesn’t serve the lyrics. It actually does a disservice to Lana’s lyricism, because it makes the listening experience unpleasant. I’m always willing to be challenged as a listener, but there’s nothing new or innovative about unpolished, poorly mixed vocals.


    Tunnel and A&W you could tell she was meticulous with her vocal takes and actually wanted the song to sound good, not raw. With The Grants she goes for that raw unpolished sound, but it just doesn’t work for me. Ok bye 👋 still super excited for this album. Just sharing thoughts y’all.

    i agree the mixing/raw vocals bother me

  2. omg guys this is so weird :raven:

    so basically in the last Paris, Texas snippet there was a group name attached, so i texted these people and one blocked me :slayty:

    but the other one didn't and now we are talking and they happen to be italian like me and they know NOTHING about these leaks, they don't even know what LB is, totally clueless, so idk if the snippet is legit but the telegram names u see have nothing to do with Lana and idk why they put them out there

    edit: they also told me that a lot of people (probably from this thread lol) are texting them, so if u see this, don't bother them lol

  3. Just now, lanasbottom said:

    why are y’all so damn… :toofunny:


    bbc radio girlie literally said lana has a surprise and she’ll tell us about it "in due time"… no one said the surprise would be revealed today and the week is far from over… why the dramatics ? 

    well calm down now she didn't say she has a surprise she just said "what else? she'll tell us when time is due" or smth like that, could mean nothing tbh

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