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tulsa jesus freaks

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Posts posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. Just now, Yosemite said:

    I mean, you were being a snowflake, yes. No one was mistreating you like you insinuated, it's just internet lingo.

    Spotify didn't mess up anything bc the vinyl is being sold by her store. Spotify has nothing to do w/ that vinyl, apart from the name, that's all.


    thank you, was it that hard to say it like this even the first time? :slayty:

    now i get it

  2. 4 minutes ago, Yosemite said:

    Ooooh, you're one of those twitter stans, I get it now :oprah3:

    twitter stans? i only use twitter for porn idk what you're on about lmao

    i'm just saying that calling someone a "snowflake" is not the serve you think it is, like who does that? lmaoooo

  3. 1 minute ago, littleredpartydress said:

    So Spotify messed up and sent it to the 1 person who notoriously fakes information and has desperately and begged to be unbanned endlessly for 2 years, and not one of the thousands of other people that ordered it? Ok :rip: 


    2 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:

    alright can we not argue over that person :rip:

    if you know anything about arcadialovesong and that whole situation, then you would know that the chances of him having the album are slim to none. just move on

    i have no idea who this person is or what he has done cause i wasn't active during the BB pre release (sorry i wasnt too excited :slayty:)

    so sorry for not knowing this like it was common knowledge or smth ig ???

  4. 1 minute ago, Dominikx4 said:

    youre very gullible arent u


    1 minute ago, littleredpartydress said:

    please block him and move on :rip:  i guarantee you, he does not have the album.

    i mean did we not see a person literally having the same vinyl yesterday? obviously spotify messed up 

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