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tulsa jesus freaks

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Posts posted by tulsa jesus freaks

  1. 3 minutes ago, lanabanana11 said:

    Am I getting this right? Everyone here is hating on BOZ and calling him names etc because he’s teased Lana’s surprise instead of spoiling it for us? 

    and everyone is being horrible and talking shit about him even tho he did an AMA here and answered so many of our burning questions and gave us SO much tea we didn’t even know we needed? 

    The hell is wrong with you people?!


  2. 8 minutes ago, Sunset Opal said:


    "Life is so crazy 

    I can take it "


    SYTH and The Grants double release is coming :clapback: 

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    I know SYTH is so overrated but people stream it so it would be better for Lana just to release it 


    not overrated in my book:true:

    that song brings me back to a specific time in my life and it feels so nostalgic to me, i will never let TikTok ruin what that song means to me:oprah3:

  3. 2 minutes ago, Cherry Blossom said:

    This would suggest the documentary is focused on the family rather than just Lana. Which is such a Lana thing to do. But no offence I could really care less about Chuck and Charlie’s careers… sorry :pls:

    same, obviously she cares a lot about her family, but we don't, we only care about her, and yes her family is part of her and blah blah blah but we don't want her to shove her family down our throats once again:bebe:

  4. 2 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:

    The Grants as a single would make sense is if she also releases


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    SYTH together with it. There are a lot of parallels between both songs and it wouldn't be a "new music project". This would also match with the timeframe of being announced next week.


    At least that's the only plausible "surprise" and it would match with her team being always late on TikTok trends :hide:





    that's not on Tuesday:pout:


  5. 1 minute ago, guns and roses said:


     do this, i wish i would've :pout:

    same, like everyone is saying, The Grants is a great track but it only makes sense as an opener, not as a single


    3 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:

    waits so i just woke up. the grants is the single on tuesday and we have a tour? is that it? :toofunny:

    the grants being a single yes, tour no it's just a theory

  6. Just now, x VB said:

    I WAS MANIFESTING THIS YESTERDAY :trisha: I haven’t listened to the song yet, is it good? (I know, silly question, her songs are always good)

    very good, but it does sound like an album opener, as an opening track it's amazing but as a single? idk, i feel like it's mean to be listened to with everything else, another song would have made more sense, but we're still excited

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