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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. you’ll never be Kintsugi hang it up
  2. that bridge sounds insane, straight out of lfl i was repeatedly told she would never do this type of sound again
  3. kintsugi’s bridge, let the light in’s bridge and pepper’s wipeout gibberish debuting on the bridge podium
  4. when the strings come in on the last chorus of let the light in followed by the dreamy outro
  5. @ the Kintusgi haters i just know y’all would eat it up so bad if it was some obscure laptop demo from 2011
  6. can y’all stop saying shit like "margaret sounds like a taylor song" cause i actually like the song and y’all are about to ruin it for me
  7. the second i see cocc in a top 3 let alone top 1 talking bout some "i don’t like this album"… sorry but i’ve seen a lot of cocc and bb lovers in general try to trash this album as if an 11 track album full of filler and a random mixtape is better than this bfr
  8. so… after sitting with the album for a a few days i have to say… total and utter excellence truly getting better with each listen. not a single song i downright dislike, some i won’t play much sure but no big skips she really did it again i fear i may do a track by track review later later xoxo
  9. i don’t like his reactions now since cocc they all feel very forced and it’s clear he just doesn’t wanna go in on her because he knows her fans are the only reason his channel is as big as it is now Ajay’s cocc and bb reactions felt similarly forced too
  10. yeah but there’s like a 1% chance she’s doing more streams… norman has 15M i don’t see her increSe by 12M… 5M+ is more likely she’ll outsell her in pure sales and maybe even overall sales tho which is better anyways imo
  11. what they say isn’t factual and the miley cyrus thing is getting childish it was funny 2 months ago
  12. not y’all still thinking she’s coming back it’s been 2 years let’s hang it up
  13. your posts really are dumb take after dumb take ever tired of looking stupid ? it seems not
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