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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. pls seeing how much she cares about her musical output lately we can be lucky if she even posts at all on album release day
  2. i mean what else is there to expect ? as you said besides some "wow that’s unusual/new for lana" it will still be a Lana Del Rey record… if anyone expects her to make heavy metal disco tracks on this well… pray for them
  3. they are even dumber there than here
  4. when they post the most obviously made up thing ever and ask "is this real what do y’all think ?”
  5. i don’t care enough about that album to have a top 3 to begin with
  6. the girls hyped that snippet like it was the cinnamon snippet when it just sounds like another bartender
  7. but when i call people stupid on here i get “rudest of the year" awards can that damn tracklist just leak already i’ve had enough of this stupid game
  8. did you know that there’s a slay under ocean boulevard ?
  9. "that black and white group pic? there is literally no way she would choose an album cover that ugly"
  10. i was about to ask what does an ugly tracklist even look like… well i’m starting to see it
  11. the way i still don’t get how everyone expected that to happen in the the first place based on… nothing (as usual)
  12. pls the woman would have 10 different songs named California if she could i doubt she’d care or even think that far
  13. tbf that one’s so full of tags you barely hear anything (and the first one kinda sounds like bb title track’s ugly sister )
  14. yes it’s the second fingertips snippet how do so many of you not know it i thought y’all were chronically online lanaboardsters
  15. you’ve been here for 4 minutes and you’ll be out of here in less than that you’re also very late
  16. half of these are either impossible due to their credits or the fact they aren’t fan favorites
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