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Posts posted by COCC

  1. 2 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    i don't have instagram, what are people saying her instagram post? i'm just curious




    5% „BORN TO DIE“

  2. 9 minutes ago, Aphrodite said:

    I mean - a person died. And Lana is just paying respect to it. 

    Also she's not the only celebrity to have posted about this, and none of them is getting backlash..:icant2:

    It‘s always the same. So many celebrities are promoting expensive champagne or their make up line while people lose their jobs thanks to COVID and poor country won‘t have a single dose of the vaccine in the next months. And yet people decide to be mad at Lana because she sends a message of condolence to a man who was born almost 100 years ago and doesnt pass the purity test of 2021 :coffee:

  3. 1 minute ago, Whitemustang said:

    I’ll just clarify this then:


    1. Lana posted something.

    2. Some people like it. Many seem to think the post is problematic. It’s not a big deal

    2. Nobody is cancelling Lana because of this post

    3. We are allowed to think the post is not very tasteful and does not put Lana in the best light, at least according to what I believe is right.

    Lana is not God! If she was a friend of mine I would have definitely challenged her over the things she has said in the past year. Forgive me for having higher expectations from an artist I love so much.

    Why do you even mix it with „things she had said in the past“? Why do you have higher expectations for her than everybody else- just because you like her music?

    You said Lana is not God, then don‘t treat her like one by saying that her post is supporting a „racist institution“. It‘s not a big deal, it‘s just a post.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Theomo said:

    Weren't they third cousins? In that case, it doesn't mean anything to me. 

    Tbh I have no idea since I was never interested in the monarchy. But I keep reading how she should stop admiring that relationship because it‘s incest.

  5. Just now, Bunny Mozart said:


    Oh I'm not saying that's what's happening here or that Lana is okay with the racism. I agree that Lana can post a picture of Prince Philip without it really meaning anything. Lana obviously admires Philip and Elizabeth's relationship in it's simplest form and that it's a relationship that lasted a very long time. 

    Thanks :kiss2: Because that‘s what I‘m reading everywhere on reddit or Instagram. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Whitemustang said:

    I don’t try to cancel her for anything. I love Lana but equally she’s a human being and human beings are flawed. I think it’s healthy to accept that and I don’t understand why you’re trying to shut me down for simply voicing I don’t agree with her on things. Such a toxic response ugh 

    Not shutting you down, as I am also simply voicing my opinion. It‘s quite obvious that she is flawed, like every other person, but trying to „hold her accountable“ for those picture is cringe to me, ngl.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Bunny Mozart said:


    I don't know, I think feeling sorry for a racist person is highly questionable. I think it's more appropriate for Philip's family to feel the loss - not everyday people who have suffered under the power of the monarchy for centuries. Also even if something was normal back in the day, that doesn't mean it should be swept under the rug completely. Obviously we can't change people's actions from the past but that doesn't really justify the action itself. It's just common sense. The main reason the royal family is so incestuous was to keep the bloodline 'pure'. Not really much to do with love...

    But how is posting a picture of him the same thing as endorsing everything you mentioned? I really do think we have bigger issues right now and that we are holding her (again) to higher standards than other people / popstars. It‘s a message of condolence and admiration of a marriage that lasted 70 years, not an approval of racism.

  8. 2 hours ago, Bunny Mozart said:

    Honestly I don't blame Lana (an American) to not know the exact details of a royal marriage or to know a royal individuals past. The people getting upset over this are fucking ridiculous. If Lana knew about the incest (...)

    But even if she knew it: So what? That‘s what monarchies have done for centuries and up until recently. Marrying your cousin is obviously not a good idea, but back in the day it was quite normal. And we can we still show empathy when someone has died, no? :whatever2:

  9. 3 hours ago, Whitemustang said:

    I didn’t call anyone dumb. I said Lana’s posts are dumb which is my opinion and I’m entitled to having it and sharing it. I did say she sounds uneducated about many issues in terms of race/inequality and it has sadly shown in her posts a lot lately. I love her artistry but that won’t stop me from holding her accountable when she posts stupid stuff. I would expect the same from my friends if I did the same thing. It’s all about growing and becoming a more aware person at the end of the day. And the monarchy IS a problematic institution: institutionally racist, misogynistic and classist. So I’m not going to sit there quietly and say Lana’s post was great when it was glamorising two people who are the faces of it.

    This is pure cringe. She sent a message of condolence with that post, which is a kind thing to do. Saying that she endorses a „problematic institution“ shows that nowadays people try to cancel you for everything they can.

    And you are not „holding her accountable“ my edgy friend, you‘re doing nothing. 

  10. On 4/4/2021 at 4:00 AM, Honeysuckle said:

    this site caught me by surprise ngl :xgiggle: anyway, i hate when they put those goddamn tags all over the snippet, i can't hear shit


    On the first listen I thought that robo-voice was Madonna :rip:


  11. Finally had the time to read through this thread and... Ellen had to apologize multiple times for NO REASON? For financing the website we are all using? For putting a lot of work in it? :scoff: I first clicked "No" on the poll, but after reading her post switched it to "Yes". Some users had some good ideas though and I'm pretty sure the mods will take them into consideration.



  12. Don't really like the song and I still don't know what to think of SZA since she said she doesn't believe in climate change. But the video is fun, the girls look great and damn, that man is handsome! :)

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