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Voluntary Leave
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Posts posted by COCC

  1. 4 minutes ago, HillSongExHomoCantor said:

    LeAkEd RoCk CaNdY sWeEt TrAcKlIsT

    - fUcK tHe NeW yOrK pOsT

    - KaNcEl KuLtUrE kWeEn Ft CoUrTnEy LoVe

    - wHiTe BoY sUmMeR fT cHeT hAnKs

    - I pRaYeD aWaY cLaY's GaY- aNd NoW hE's My HuSbAnD tO bE

    -bOdEgA bAe- BeYoNcE sCaReD oF mE

    -aRiAnA iS wHiTe Ft AzEaLiA bAnKs + KaNyE

    -A qUeStIoN fOr ThE cUlTuRe Ft MaDoNnA

    - cHuCk HaS rEtiReD hErE's ChArLiE's AsS cRaCk

    -fAnTaNo kNoWs WhAt'S uP

    TaYlOr Is My ShAdOw

    mEn In MuSaK bUsInEsS cOnFeReNcE fT bRiTnEy SpEaRs +CaRdI b

    NoT aLl wHo CrOsS mE aRe FoUnD fT hIlLaRy ClInToN

    rOcK cAnDy SwEeT

    i WisH tHe PrEsS wAs DeAd AlLrEaDy





  2. 8 minutes ago, Elle said:


    What is with DailyMail always misidentifying her family & friends skkk ID'ing Chuck as Jobie, Tatiana as Chuck, and Candace as Patty.. it's really not that hard to google pictures of her family members and check if the person in the photo is actually them :toofunny:

    Not me falling for it... Was just happy to see them together :scoff: Lana and her chosen mother it is then.


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