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Everything posted by Brightsun

  1. Really ? you still lying then what is this https://ibb.co/4SyXwtS
  2. omg no i hate that bitch i was exposing this bitch also all the time in pre BB thread and you all did not believe me everything he was teasing was fake
  3. we might do this again it was Fun
  4. Girl this is called '' This is acting'' i was trying to see if you really have it even my questions were weird you stupid and the fact you ran with fake snippet thinking it was lana and posting it here as an exclusiveee babyyyyyy i'm screaming log out
  5. i'm glad this bitch now is exposed girl you playing with the wrong person go to sleep momy is waiting you have school tomorow
  6. girl i was just tring to see if you really have it and you had nothing stop teasing and acting exclusive you have nothing baby
  7. and the fake snippet i sent to that troll is from an upcoming album track by a flop girl (kinda big in some countries) i will let you know when her album is released so you all give her a listen
  8. we gave you some real tea baby but you HAve access to nothing not even few seconds of LYTAN go get a life
  9. so stop giving this @fl0r1dakil0s any attention he is a fake ass bitch he has no unrleeased he has no access to any files i can confirm
  10. i'm screaming you liarrrrrr you have nothing as i toughts
  11. Ladies and gentelman this is my snippet and this guy is a scammer he took snippet from me and run because i know he was troll he has no loved you now or whatever and he has no new song from europhia he tired to scam me so i sent him a fake snippet this is not lana @flojzhjhgejahjaga
  12. thank you so much for keeping us excited with all the lies about the songs my first listen was like "" LFL YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR" Beautiful the rock inflence song we never get
  13. fuck off if you exepct us to beleive you and not beleive that cite credits
  14. this is toxic leaving this place full of liars @arcadialovesong2018 i can't beleive you are fake what a waste of time
  15. we are done with your lies stop you don't have anything where is the fuck sweet caroline ?
  16. i never had any version of thunder myself but more demos from it were ciruclating so i guess that guy was just troll or somehting since he can't post something from sweet caroline BBS or anything we never heard
  17. this @arcadialovesong2018 is a mess i hate when people promise to post something and then they don't i bet he does not have anything excpect that thunder demo that was circulating
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