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Everything posted by Nahime

  1. I don’t really know much :(. I have seen the tweet on an Instagram story but it is deleted now.
  2. Have you seen the Eclipse tweet saying Sierra Madre and another track will premiere in 3 days ?
  3. This snippet alone is better than the 3 recent songs she released. She is still one of the most talented artists in the world but her lack of respect makes me quite done with my joy toward her work. Still no longer supporting financially someone who take people for granted.
  4. The worst part in this situation is that her stans keep looking for excuses about her being that unprofessional… She is one of the most talented artists ever but she clearly can fuck herself with all of that BS.
  5. I suggested that idea and I was dead serious about it lol. May she will keep her word this time.
  6. You better preach now. Those so open minded people are the real toxicity SMH
  7. Don’t waste your energy with him ;). He isn’t worthy at all.
  8. I am thinking… 3 songs ? One single for each album (country one, covers one and the revenge one ?) ? Whatever it is I am ready.
  9. no one is ready for such a masterpiece. The greatest is a great song tho. The best on NFR. Her harmonies are out of this world and her delivery is just so emotional. Jack did his thing with track. The greatest he ever created but the rest is quite… lackluster.
  10. Oh Yeah it is... France learnt a lot from the best in that department. Thank you for your authenticity and kindness.
  11. Yeah the nerve of that user defending himself against little bitches
  12. Proof that those bitches love the drama :).
  13. And I am telling I will bring everything I want anywhere I want. Period and you will deal with it.
  14. LOL coming from one of the most racist countries in the world, that's quite a compliment. Thank you so much No but I still have a meal I want to share with Meh and his dad... Bitch please... Don't be mad I am defending myself. Ask your stupid followers to let it go.
  15. I will gladly share my meal with your dad :), wanna join us Meh ?
  16. The way I don't care about the idiots crew you seem to be a part of You should pray for a lot of things in your life. Let me help you with that... Praying DominikxZERO is gonna have a brain... You are the pointless one. You cowards can join each others against me and you will still be the proudest losers .
  17. Honey, Since when defending himself is bringing drama ? I was just expressing myself and it is totally fine to disagree with me. Just don't be disrespectful first...
  18. The rule is the simplest ever : Don't come for me first. If you do then don't be surprised that I care about your mental health and wishing to get well soon ;).
  19. Thanks for being respectul and not cray cray like some idiots here. You certainly have several points but the way she lied about : COCC, ASAC, NFR, and probably BB make her unprofessional to me.
  20. She can be mad just like she was when her albums leaked :)
  21. Please take your medication before you answer Hydroponic Weaks. i won’t have to go to anyone. She is the only artist who is that unprofessional and that liar. If you think she isn’t the only one responsible, so you can sleep well then good for you.
  22. lol but I mean it. I will still be there because I am having a lot of fun with you guys but I won’t support her financially anymore.
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