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Posts posted by uvbabe

  1. 1 minute ago, Foxglove said:

    boo we know she didn't support Trump.  but voting for Biden doesn't make someone not racist.  Biden is a racist (and a rapist at that but thats another issue).  Lana IS ignorant.  i don't think she's intentionally malicious.  but the only reason anyone is talking about this is because she brought it up herself,  she didnt need to but she did.  she brought this allllllll on herself.  and now shes continuing to fuel the fire.


    Girl I know voting for Biden is not being "good". Only an american would think that, and that's what they do. But that Complex article was damn evil sorry. 

  2. PD I am NOT justifying her because she have said some pretty fucked up things, like her ig comment when she posted the cover... but I believe she was just desperate to prove she's not like people say. Maybe her wording wasn't the best, but imagine having the whole fucking world saying you're something you are NOT. I would be desperate too. I want it to be all about the music just like her tbh. 

  3. God just let this woman alone. She may messed up sometime but you can tell she's not malicious or anything so why trying to make her look bad and like a republican when you KNOW she never supported Trump? I mean there are some REAL fucked up artists. Lana may not be the typical "woke" girl you may want, but she's not fucking ignorant and evil like they want to show her. I would be mad too.

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