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blackestday x tough

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Everything posted by blackestday x tough

  1. I love your comment!!! I am so pleased about the MV aesthetic, we won!!!!
  2. I think they are knowing that they have something big, so i hope they give the MV that fire the song has.
  3. I Was never so thrilled for a new album since honeymoon/lfl. She is doing something extraordinary, she combines her vibe with so much passion/fire/deepness on a level that gives us all we ever wanted and much more.
  4. As she said she goes country i never had expected something like quavo and this new song.
  5. From what i've listened from the live show it will be her greatest hit since lfl era, the bridge is heavenly too, a top 10 song and i'm sure it will be a commercial success.
  6. This is so lana, that i'm sure this is for her album. And posting the snippet now means we can expect the Release tomorrow
  7. No ob slander, love many songs on ob, like aw, tt x vb, fishtails, peppers, cn ... but this is a whole new level
  8. Sounds better than anything on ocean. Lana needs trap beats and now i am sure we will get also an hymn like hbtb.
  9. Can't imagine tough and Henry on the same Album. I think she scrapped Henry and took more hip hop and rock influences on lasso.
  10. Yeah, and i'm here for it. LFL is one of my favorite albums, and i love that New snippet so much. Can't wait for the Release.if lasso Sounds like this, we will get an bop Album in the vein of lfl.
  11. This is the moment whe get the hype back!!!! Country is dead. TRAP-LANA is back!!!
  12. Lana is planing something like cherry Demo on lasso. Then sugary sweet reworked and then the quavo banger. Lasso is becoming her best album. I can feel it!!!
  13. This was her best show!!!! I can't get over it. But i miss honeymoon songs
  14. It was stunning, breathtaking, full of magic. I love her.
  15. Is peppers something defining for lasso?? I think she will surprise us completely. I think we get a Banger ballad like born to die as first track and than she kills us with "hands on your knees" Vibes.
  16. I think she will take us on a ride of a psychedelic-trap feverdream. The country of lasso will expressed by distorted Western guitars. We will get her own Interpretation of this Genre and i'm here for it.
  17. She is absolutely on her country trap era. I would like to have quavo on more tracks. The snippet sounds amazing!!!
  18. I think lasso will sound like a mix of mdm and hey blue baby
  19. Could we agree that "off to the races" is country too???
  20. She will do something unexpected. I'm sure she is not over lfl. I could imagine something in the vein of ride and lfl witchy concept with a little country vibe. But i really expect her country sounding like ride. This new Pop country is nothing she would do.
  21. She could do a cohesive rap album and call it country.
  22. Think of all the meltdowns on this board when he's coming back.
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