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About orri

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  1. orri

    Natalia Kills

    few more we just wanna fuck tarzan runnin' stranger pretend i think those are all perfectionist era or before but post verbz
  2. orri

    Natalia Kills

    It's no trouble! I can't do a masterpost for you because I am a shit fan and don't know what era anything is from, and i never organise anything so none of the info or anything is correct on these hopefully fills in a few gaps for you though a new word for love beautiful cold coming alive crimes of love fake it heart to break hot mess 1 #2 plastic fantastic
  3. orri

    Natalia Kills

    nothing lasts forever #1 nothing lasts forever #3 wonderland break you hard broke free if i was god mirrors sorry i don't have anything better quality, they are mostly yt rips from whenever they leaked. i have love is a suicide but its very bad quality and skips and sounds exactly the same. there are some superficial demos too but i think they are unleaked? What outtakes you looking for?
  4. orri


    They also have a colab with Keljet called "What's Your Sign"
  5. orri

    Tove Lo

    I don't know if this is legit but I noticed someone posted "too far" on tumblr a while ago? http://disneyprincesshigh.tumblr.com/post/115981001054/this-time-i-wont-go-too-far i think it's just a looped snippet? what do you think?
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