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Everything posted by Chemtrailslana

  1. The track lengths were finally revealed on iTunes and Beautiful is listed as 3:35 so I don’t think the string version will be on streaming.
  2. Is it weird that the track lengths aren’t available on iTunes? Usually they go up at least a week before
  3. White and black vinyls are on Amazon now. Also the standard cd and red cassette https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FQ36XY6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VGMJWF0DF9QKVAWVVB0G
  4. Will the yellow and white vinyls on her webstore be restocked if they sell out? The yellow one is already sold out
  5. Chemtrailslana


    If anyone is wondering that person on the d-word site selling the album is legit (I don’t personally have the full album)
  6. Chemtrailslana


    Apparently the version of MR on vinyl is different than the streaming version? So maybe that’s why
  7. Chemtrailslana


    Mood ring lyrics are now registered on iTunes just like satns was less than a week before it was out
  8. Chemtrailslana


    It did in LQ I’m pretty sure
  9. why is the candle $40 thats crazy
  10. she made a candle called candle in the wind
  11. There’s LMLYLAW and WAH chapstick
  12. Everyone needs to go rate it on albumoftheyear.org because the user score dropped to 79?. Someone rated it 1/100 because it “celebrates white supremacy” or something like that?
  13. What happened to all the promotion polydor said they had for the album? I guess after it’s released? The least she could do is post something saying the albums out in a week
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