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Pink Flamingo

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Everything posted by Pink Flamingo

  1. Imagine if Lana hadn't released music since 2019 (Norman) and this was her next album I think she'd have everyone crazy with everything that's happened in this era, the magazines, A&W, the beautiful title track and cover variants and the boobs picture
  2. That Venice Bitch mod truly has eyes and ears everywhere, watch your mouths girls and gays, we're being observed
  3. Are you guys actually wishing for the album to leak or just making fun of the fact that everything Lana-related gets leaked?
  4. Thank you, I appreciate that Uh I know a lot of people want me to write a piece on Ocean, but it's a really difficult task with how complex the album is and I don't want my opinions to turn into misconceptions, especially the lyrical layer of it which is often hard to decipher - BOZ
  5. Stage three of a normal day on Lana boards: the girls are fighting Stage 1 and stage 2 are comparing Ocean Blvd to BB and asking for leaks on that site
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