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Pink Flamingo

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Everything posted by Pink Flamingo

  1. Quavo being the only one hyping up the song makes me believe it is his... what's interesting is that that one insider that they both recorded a song and it might make it into the album (lana's) unless they had recorded 2 songs :/
  2. this random twitter account saying lana is going to be on katy perry's next album
  3. didn't he produce "the trio"? would not be a surprise if he does have writing credits on tough
  4. if it were to come out she would have said it right after the perfomance i choose not to be a delulu this time
  5. Rob ended the live stream right before bartender oh king iktr
  6. she's paying the free i just know it oh mother we don't deserve you
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/@theycallmetripod/live?enter_from_merge=others_homepage&enter_method=others_photo
  8. This would be the appropriate thing to do, the problem is that some people have flights scheduled for the next day and, as in the case of that teacher, cannot afford to reschedule the flight.
  9. Someone commented this "I flew in with my son from Arkansas. Please!!!!! We leave tomorrow. I’m a teacher and don’t have the money to book another flight" this is so sad honestly
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