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Everything posted by arcadialovesong2018

  1. NFR WAS HER BEST AESTHETIC ERA . (fullstop / un point c'est tout!) je ne penses pas qu'elle peux dépasser NFR !!
  2. NFR WAS HER BEST AESTHETIC ERA . (fullstop / un point c'est tout!) je ne penses pas qu'elle peux dépasser NFR !!
  3. yeah, fuck, darling darling darling.. I fall to pieces When I'm with you... bitch..
  4. Would absolutely like to finish mine with the homophobic people. I’m looking at you @COCC
  5. Can you grow tf up? don’t make me feel bad for voicing out something by quoting me out of context so you feel better about your f self. This behaviour is super childish
  6. Anyway, I'm sorry I said anything. Please forget I ever mentioned this and I take it back. Thank you. Bye
  7. if you use it in a random joke that does not necessarily benefit from you using the word and other gay people are being offended I don't see how that makes you any better than the homophobic straight guy using it.
  8. Yeah please come back and block me again because I literally voiced out something that is offensive to me. not to forget, clampigirl will be the first to do so.
  9. lol. this is ridiculous. I have seen people stand up for treating others with dignity. But not lanaboards. This page will defend discrimination till death. absolutely ridiculous.
  10. People defending this are actually the worst kind of gaslighters and bullies. Often you guys are the same people insulting lana for stupid reasons and I wouldn't be surprised if she deleted her account because of such this attitude. If you don't fucking live in an African or Middle Eastern country, don't think you are entitled to determine when people should be using the F word. Americans and native English speaking mainstream media people should really realise that other than them there's other people who exist in this world and you don't always get a say to determine what people should do. Flashback to apartheid era when similar people thought they could decide what other people should believe. tell me about how this is being used by a queer person: ( edit: I didn't know she was trans but I maintain what I said) stop enabling homophobia. It is not a joke
  11. Good for you guys.. go ahead and enjoy using the word. God bless and fuck off. it's my last post on this disgusting page so don't bother replying.
  12. Because 1. you live in a country where lgbt rights have been legalised for ages. 2. you have celebrities who actually represent you etc. I don't think all gay men suffer from the same kind of homophobia. And for the very least at least you have legal recourse. So you using the word as a fucking joke is hurtful to others. Idk why I must even explain why this word is inappropriate and why it shouldn't be used.
  13. doesn't give you an excuse to say the word. Especially not when you are a white American.
  14. if you've never seen people constantly say the F word here then I have no words for you.
  15. I was blocked last time when I said this and it is absolutely ridiculous to block someone over voicing this. I will say it again, people should be getting mods for using the words 'f*ggot' etc. How come if I say I want a snippet I have a mod point but someone who outright says f*ggot doesn't? Do people even know what it is like to grow up in homophobic countries and fear for your life and hear the words f* being used in the most hurtful and denigrating ways? This board is so problematic and I think that clampigirl needs to re evaluate what people get mod points for. and also just stop allowing homophobia here. bye.
  16. Uhm HELLO ALL THE 'InSiDeRs' who said that Arcadia was just piano and only her voice carries the song??? Excu sez moi!!!!
  17. but I can't discuss the album because clampigurl modded me
  18. Anyone know how to crack open a password zip file? the music is legit in there
  19. lol where are all the 'insiders' who said there's no strings???
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