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Everything posted by arcadialovesong2018

  1. I did nothing wrong today. I commented on something relevant to the album, and then there was just chaos all mod points should go to my old account @lustforlife
  2. Okay then just put it in spoilers. @Surf Noir. I don’t think anyone deserves a mod point tonight because we did nothing wrong
  3. Guys let us please stop trying to get each other mods. If it weren’t for everyone’s collective engagement no one would get these leaks today. So please. Especially @COCC and @lanasbottom
  4. Why can’t we have a WhatsApp group or instagram chat instead of lanaboards..
  5. “We never re-alised, the time that passed back then, will never come again” @lustforlife can confirm
  6. Okay guys just listened to the last song now.. sweet Carolina was underwhelming. The family does the chorus and the sister sings a verse at the end.
  7. Okay okay. Je me savais pas qu’on avait d’autres francais ici.
  8. thanks. I listened to you when you summoned me. And now you turned me over
  9. Franchement? Moi aussi! C’est pour ça Que nous sommes Le meme personne
  10. Nikki lane jumped into my house Surf noir‘s belly is paining rob brought her a pill but she said no.. o.. oh
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