No.. it has more of a ride vibe...... I think it is in memory of BTD .......10 years
she also has an eyeshadow coming called 'violets and roses' ...... it's a pinkish-purple......
whoever posted that fake beautiful leak.... no thank you.... don't want to such it...........
Also, beautiful does not sound anything remotely like that... lol troll.
honey, I already posted the lyrics yesterday.. gave you the whole verse and chorus.. also it's everywhere on twitter and the internet now............................
I must admit.. even though I hated her including her family.... which I still do.......
also I wonder what is that guy screaming sound from BTD era that she adds in almost all of her albums... anyone knows who that is////////////////////////
I am the one who gave y'all the outro snippet for violet, I gave you thunder rework, I served you lyrics.... and many more. but I don't need to answer to you
@MellyDelRey you know I am not scared to namedrop people. You better stop faking posts and adding my name and reducing my reliability... honestly........ why would you do that................