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Everything posted by alexbeygul

  1. not true bestie. Spotify has that feature too. You need to to that - https://support.spotify.com/us/article/local-files/
  2. ya'll discussing the Fine China reminded me what I wanted to ask here. Do we know what other tracks were scrapped from the tracklist as she worked on the album? I would like to make my own deluxe version eventually hehehe
  3. not me getting banned during the release/pre-order/merch-drop week. i am still crying over it but this is my karma i guess and i am here to take this punishment
  4. omg what are you talking about and where i can listen to it? mod note: user has been warned for this post
  5. one more look at UO www.instagram.com/p/CMuaxXTMuPD/?igshid=1l81vuhtv318b
  6. me too! i woke up from the call of the courier and OMG it's beautiful
  7. @Lustformoney a guy from Fnac's customer support told me that the delivery time outside mainland France can take around 12 to 15 working days, just so you know
  8. did you recieve your Fnac vinyl? mine is not moving since 18th...
  9. babe it's gatefold relax, your wallet can have a rest
  10. yes, french. it's https://www.chronopost.fr/ but u can always just click on your order number on their website and check
  11. same here babe my fnac vinyl stuck in Germany
  12. what store is this litho from? I ordered mine from UK store and still waiting, hope it is not gonna be like this
  13. it was also at her AU store with worldwide shipping, go check it
  14. CD + 12x12 LITHO AVAILABLE AT HER UK STORE! GO ORDER IT ASAP IF U MISSED IT (UK ONLY) dont forget LRD10OFF https://store.universalmusic.com/lanadelrey/*/*/CD-Signed-Litho-Bundle/6VVO0000000 i accidentally went to her website and saw that there was a disk and a lithograph in my basket. Apparently, it became available and automatically appeared in my basket, since I added it there in the first drop a week ago
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