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Everything posted by electra

  1. All of lana's albums are best described as experimental. None of them are the same genre, yet none of them can be classified as a single genre. Born To Die - Baroque Pop/Hip Hop Ultraviolence - Desert Rock/Dream Pop/Psychedelic Rock Honeymoon - Jazz/Trap
  2. Bubblegum Bitch - 20 Lies - 48 Homewrecker - 69 Starring Role - 18 Teen Idle - 24 Fear & Loathing - 8 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 18 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 27 Electra Heart -29
  3. Bubblegum Bitch - 20 Lies - 48 Homewrecker - 67 Starring Role - 20 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 8 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 22 Lonely Hearts Club - 18 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 27 Electra Heart -29
  5. Bubblegum Bitch - 21 Lies - 48 Homewrecker - 66 Starring Role - 21 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 8 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 18 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 27 Electra Heart -29
  6. Posted A minute ago Bubblegum Bitch - 21 Lies - 48 Homewrecker - 65 Starring Role - 22 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 7 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 19 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 27 Electra Heart -29
  7. You're such a wee angel I can't even. You're a cinnamon roll too good for this world.
  8. You made her sad elle how could you do this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8qaFuUuTZnY
  9. TBH, it looks like the photoshoots we SHOULD have gotten from the Honeymoon era.
  10. I hope she and Courtney were high as fuck during the interview
  11. Suppose I'll just have to get them physically to make sure I get both
  12. Now everytime she posts she has to post three in a row
  13. Bubblegum Bitch - 21 Lies - 49 Homewrecker - 65 Starring Role - 21 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 7 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 19 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 27 Electra Heart -29
  14. Hope they spill the t on Francesco's dick
  15. Bubblegum Bitch - 21 Lies - 49 Homewrecker - 63 Starring Role - 22 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 7 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 19 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 28 Electra Heart -29
  16. Bubblegum Bitch - 20 Lies - 49 Homewrecker - 63 Starring Role - 22 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 8 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 19 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 28 Electra Heart -29 Imagine trying to snatch points from Honewrecker like it's even remotely the same quality as Starring Role.
  17. I hope that considering it's a long interview we get some good insight into Lana's life/thought process/other things we question + album info.
  18. Will the stock both cover variants at WHSmith?
  19. Bubblegum Bitch - 20 Lies - 49 Homewrecker - 63 Starring Role - 22 Teen Idle - 23 Fear & Loathing - 8 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 19 Buy The Stars - 18 E.V.O.L. - 28 Electra Heart -29
  20. Bubblegum Bitch - 20 Lies - 49 Homewrecker - 61 Starring Role - 23 Teen Idle - 24 Fear & Loathing - 8 Radioactive - 21 Sex Yeah - 21 Lonely Hearts Club - 19 Buy The Stars - 17 E.V.O.L. - 27 Electra Heart -29
  21. Yeah, from the release date to now it's too long for us not to have storms a-comin'.
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