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Everything posted by Ultraviolencequeen

  1. Not to toot my own horn but what I just said actually makes sense that could’ve why it seems abnormally absent from any reviews , because they actually never heard the song that is CN!
  2. Yeah it’s very odd… maybe they all heard the song that was supposed to be in its place then they were told not to mention or review that song as it got swapped for something else? And that weird magazine didn’t get memo
  3. You’re telling me that Lana, now experimenting with glitch pop, created a song of this genre that no other review thought was worth mentioning as such? Except this one unhinged publication?
  4. I didn’t listen to leak BUT it’s suspicious that no other reviews even mentioned the song , let’s say they all heard it with this glitch pop version I’m sure someone else would have mentioned this? And if they heard the leak version and it’s as haunting as you all say, wouldn’t they have mentioned that too maybe? Maybe they heard nothing
  5. Please help I’m having heart palps even though I didn’t even listen to CN leak I’m still so attached to it lol
  6. I feel like the actual write ups are pretty amazing praise, but the actual rating isn’t as good?
  7. As a non leak listener here’s my most anticipated Songs. LOVE all 3 singles to death. 1) candy necklace 2) fingertips 3) grandfather 4) peppers 5) taco 6) the transition of AW into priest interlude i think these will also be my favorites, tell me if I’m right. I’m a big NFR and ultrav Stan.
  8. So now how does the interludes with candy necklace sound? Do you guys love the interludes yet
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