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Everything posted by Ultraviolencequeen

  1. Do you guys listen to a new song by watching the video first? Or do you play audio on a then watch the video?
  2. Keep spilling more, insider, we’re sooo dehydrated
  3. So close to tough. Juzf have a sleep, one full day and another sleep, then one day till evening release time to get through
  4. Is there any legitimacy to that random cover and post that said July 5?
  5. I don’t feel like it’s quavos song. I feel like it’s Lana’s, he’s just doing the promo. If it was his it would have had a totally different roll out. she’ll probably post in next few days her own posts about it, last minute of course! I think she’s just focusing on her friends who lost their fathers this week. She seems very present with them.
  6. The amount of views I’ve given the snippets… could have went to the charts, just saying! @ ben please release
  7. Is it possible it’ll come tonight and by soon they meant hours
  8. Holding out hope for her post today to contain more info…
  9. I feel like it would genuinely only make sense to release today OR announce a release within the week today. Even for Lana.
  10. There’s no way we aren’t getting tough today right?
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