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luna de miel

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Everything posted by luna de miel

  1. guys the surprise is obviously that lana will cover country roads in the bbc live loungeshe's taking us home where we belong mountain mama
  2. it's a bold guess but i have a feeling it could score higher than nfr among critics... the gp will prob only care ab the bops tho and disregard the album as a whole
  3. why you always doing that? say you have the album then not leaking it just to make me mad
  4. i keep checking this thread to see if something happened but still nothing ...its exhausting
  5. all the love to the poles but when i went to poland i caught the worst cold of my life and my friend got herpes... the bad kind. just saying.
  6. boz teasing a major opus and not even giving us a time frame that man knew what he was doing n did it anyways
  7. all of these abbreviations are too much for my lil brain sometimes also not to be a bore but would an official release of SYT really be THAT major? yeah we been begging for it for years but still... a waste of all caps if it's just a song we've already had for years
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