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Everything posted by bluelikeyou

  1. watch her team add blue paint that says 'to color your banisters' to her store to be quirky or shall I say 'just to understand the smug'
  2. i'm getting all excited with all this dealer talk, i really hope she pulls through with it, I really need a SCREAMER right about now what's better than a screamer to emphasize her revenge come on the SHOE FITS
  3. this thread is slowly dying we literally squeezed out every drop of what this era has thrown at us she should post another tit pic that'll revive things
  4. update: one replied "We appreciate the time you have taken to ask about the new Lana Del Rey album. There is no additional information at the moment." sounds about right
  5. soooooo truuuueeee omg cause literally same, especially cause it comes in handy when it's that time of the month
  6. lmaoooo they way everyone on twitter is writing vein instead of vane
  7. kinda loving "my banisters blue are waiting for you" but "my blue banisters are waiting for you" is more grammatically correct imo
  8. found BB lyrics on twitter, most likely fake, but can I post it here? i don't wanna get warned lmao
  9. good thing I brought out my alias Anna Roger from PR and media management
  11. when BOZ said that in two weeks the era will properly start, we're most likely getting a single along those dates, cause she could say that an album is coming, but if we get a single (and hopefully a pre-order) it'll make it real, for all we know this album isn't a thing yet without a single around and about
  12. Just emailed a couple of vinyl/cd plants if they're gonna receive any new or have heard about any new BB shipments or some shit, I'm so bored so hopefully they'll reply and take away my pain
  13. Same the date was more believable before Mike Dean said they we're "working on something" and that he couldn't talk about something that isn't finished or doesn't exist? yet
  14. TIL IT RUNS AHEAD, RUNS AHEAD WITH BLOOD (i can do this all day)
  15. on a scale of 1-10 how delulu/crazy would I sounds if I said I believed the date "July 4"? It's not every day she choses a federal holiday (a sunday) as a release day, yet she already changed the cover and the date once Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself
  17. "done properly? using some good metaphors w/ class? My middle name is classy, watch me", says lanadelrey in a high pitched voice waving her hands to dismiss the topic. "now that doj-
  18. ok but what if reposts the qftc on her story on the 21st since it's gonna pop up on her screen. she'll be like "oh look let's bring this back, I spilled that day" and she still stands by it (since she didn't delete it even after the backlash) "thinking about this today, single out in the us" with the girls coming out like that after they all had a bookclub meeting
  19. if literally none of these are on the album BB IS LITERALLY NOT WHAT WE ARE EXPECTING
  20. whatever this BOZ is going on about, i'm not sure I like it we're very vulnerable and fragile at the moment we'd literally believe anything
  21. based on the mv i doubt a male rapper collab tbh it isn't fitting?
  22. this album is so mysterious and it's keeping me on edge idk what to expect at this point i'm in love with this colorless era
  23. the person who heard it probably heard the screamer and was confused as of how lana hit that dealer confirmed
  24. she's coming to blow up the music industry I feel it
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