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Posts posted by Bonita

  1. 2 hours ago, lifeisavelvetcrowbar said:

    So for Taylor, Folklore was the main event and Evermore was kind of the victory lap or the B-sides companion record. So do you think that for Lana, was COCC the main event or will RCS be the main event? I am thinking they will definitely be different enough that RCS won’t just be a B-sides album. I generally like COCC but wouldn’t it be great if that was just a teaser/prelude and the best is yet to come.

    I like to think that RCS happened out of the "Dealer" sessions since she removed it from Chemtrails because it was different sounding from the rest of the album and that she probably wanted to experiment with that sound - If Lana was ever to make a companion record she would let us know and i'm sure Chemtrails and RCS are gonna be entirely different so let's wait and see ;)

  2. 7 hours ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

    This! Honestly, I am so hoping for a track that mirrors the sarcastic quips in Money Power Glory. 


    I remember reading about how Lana knew MPG would be taken literally and that she was almost resigned with the assumptions that would be made despite it being very pointed and sardonic. 


    It's interesting how this point in her career is almost reminiscent of the Ultraviolence era through the critics' accusations of her alleged inauthenticity and blatant apathy. I would argue that Rock Candy Sweet is just as deceiving of a title as MPG, and I'm really intrigued to see if she purposely picks a deceptively "sweet-sounding" soundscape or if she'll go full force with production that highlights the bitterness she's felt recently. 


    Agreed - Rock Candy Sweet could well be a sarcastic title - and I'd love her to make a song like "Brooklyn Baby" as imo it's such a great jab at the critics. I just hope she nails it if she's going for this revenge plot - RCS will be the Ultraviolence re-up! (I hope)

  3. 6 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

    I'm guessing November 2020. In October, she was still hesistant to add Dealer to the tracklist, in December she started filming the video for White Dress and said that the vinyl production was slower than she anticipated. It was also in December when we found several tracks through Shazam.

    That's a small timeframe but I'm gonna speculate that she spent some time with Zach Dawes after making "Dealer" and omitted it from Chemtrails to add it to RCS along with other tracks the two of them produced from those sessions. Lana calling Dealer a defining song probably means it was different sounding from the entire record especially the fact that she screams her head off in the track (as she says) and probably wanted to make an album around that sound. What I'm getting to rn is RCS being possibly produced by Zach Dawes as well as Antonoff (if whatever that fan said was true) maybe we are getting our angry bangers after all!

  4. I think everyone is forgetting that the last time she channeled negative critical reception into an album we got Ultraviolence and songs like "Brooklyn Baby" and "Money Power Glory" among others that took a dig at critics - and yes the fact that Jack is producing again is scary but she did warn us that COCC would sound like NFR! (even though I personally think they sound different). I have very high hopes for this album and I'm sure Dealer is gonna end up on it.

  5. I understand the frustration with the title track not expanding on the chemtrails and country clubs theme - but the whole point of the song is her trying to achieve mediocrity - from talking about astrology and grabbing coffee and the rest of the stuff she talks about. Essentially the lyrics "watching the chemtrails over the country club" could just be her way of saying "we'll watch the world burn" since u know the chemtrails shtick. I just think the ignorance she conveys in the song gives it that melancholic feeling despite how well things are going with her "sweet love". + about the album title its probably her way of defining this as a folk masterpiece - but I hope I find a connection when I finally listen to the album. :)


    Also I'd like to note how the first and last tracks of the album compliment each other so well! especially how White Dress leads into Chemtrails (judging from the song descriptions) 


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