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Deadly Nightshade

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Posts posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. One of the first albums that shaped me into who i am today 

    still speaks to me on a deeper lever after all those years , with the meaning of each song changing and evolving as i mature every year 

    for me it captures the feeling of melancholy so well from the lyrics to the imagery , it is one of her most well crafted albums to date imo 

    Happy 10th birthday UV :trisha:

  2. i’ve been listening to the album non-stop since its release and i have to say that it’s really addicting :oprah:

    also loveee the new mv

    the contrast between more urban and rural shots and the color grading of the video as well that looks more greyish convey the feeling of the song really well imo 

  3. TTPD has more replay value than Midnights for me , truly addictive and coherent as a whole with the exception of some songs that i still can't listen to due to some lyrical aspects :deadbanana:

  4. 2 hours ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    thank you! i do wonder if we will get more info, cause that seems valid then. rn my issue stands with the zero tolerance policy since the israeli commentator told viewers to wish "curses and insults" on the irish act and there's multiple people saying joost was asked by again an israeli worker how his parents were doing (them being dead is a focal point of his act)

    zero tolerance policy seems to be one sided then...

  5. So they are letting a country that is actively and constantly for six months bombing people to participate and when someone reacts they instantly disqualify them??

    Eurovison has always been political !!

    I read somewhere that when Turkey invaded Cyprus they didn't let anyone talk about the incident and they even told them that the contestants might be in  danger if they participated .

    The contest has always been political this is a total joke at this point 

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