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Deadly Nightshade

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Posts posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. Standouts from my first listen of the standard version were (without a specific order) 


    2.So Long, London 

    3. Florida!!!

    4.The Alchemy 

    5. Clara Bow 

    6.Fresh out the slammer

    7. I can do it with a broken heart 


    The rest felt a bit samey to me on  first listen but time will tell especially after more listens of the whole album. 

    Also please the charlie puth lyric :bebe: i had the same problem with name dropping in blue banisters (title song) as well 

  2. 4 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    I don’t know why people are calling Ride and BTD ballads, those songs are more like anthems, not ballads, and I don’t find the performances for them to be low energy at all the way they are for Arcadia or Bartender.

    it's a personal preference as well but deciding to include Arcadia for Coachella's setlist was a questionable choice.. 

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