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Deadly Nightshade

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Posts posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. 21 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

    otherwise try and get a cheap one way ticket back on trainline or something :bebe:


    you will need to leave 30 mins atleast to get out of hyde park and walk to victoria coach station so unless you wanna leave super early... 

    if their response is negative , i'll do that and purchase another ticket for the last bus that leaves at midnight 

    if she finishes by 22:30 let's hope that I will be at Victoria before midnight :air:

  2. 3 hours ago, LanaBalkana said:

    Don’t think so, sorry.. you should add at least 30 mins to exit the park as it will be super packed and then another 20 mins to Victoria (this is your bus station I assume?). Could you try and change your ticket?

    the app is super laggy because it refreshes constantly for some reason and i made a mistake when i made the booking 

    i'll try and change it but i think it's non- refundable , i think i'll have to purchase another ticket :air:

    last bus is at midnight, i'll probably be able to make it on time.. right? :toofunny:


    also ty for responding 

  3. 18 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    This era in history, with its hyper connectivity, is a bit weird, when we think of it : when a public figure or even a friend is deactivating their socials, it feels like a grief of losing someone… 


    Both time she deactivated her IG accounts, this is a bit how I felt, although I know this is not the end of LDR at all. 

    I was thinking about the hyper connectivity aspect as well. Sometimes it feels a bit too much to be on social media . Maybe she felt overwhelmed about the whole situation and decided to delete everything ( for the second time :bebe: )  

     Though it made me sad seeing this specific account deleted , it held a lot of memories from my teenage years :cat: 

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