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Everything posted by MadameBlonde

  1. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    I agree. They’re great songs, and I want to see her prosper musically. Hopefully she makes an official announcement soon, I’d enjoy hearing the final versions.
  2. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    it’s part of the bridge, then goes into chorus.
  3. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    cry cry cry a river and ocean
  4. MadameBlonde

    Melanie Martinez

    I adore her, but I’m always shocked that she takes years and years to release new albums and her same fans stick by her side. Fans go from 15 year old to 25 and she’s still singing nursery rhymes. also that rhymed haha
  5. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    I love both! Great job on these!
  6. MadameBlonde


    Same, I don’t mind the autotune, but wish she’d give us another confessions era
  7. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    I’m 25. Is this what you do, attack people over their age? I posted two snippets, and that was all. Not doing a damn thing to be attention seeking, but my apologies that you’re so bothered, because that’s exactly what you are is bothered. I’m done responding to you. You’re beyond trash. Enjoy your moms basement.
  8. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    Are you for real that bothered that me and others are posting snippets? I’m done posting snippets. Your constant bully behavior is what’s pathetic. You’re upset that these songs are surfacing when this girl is too focused on film, and done w music. If you’re so upset, you shouldn’t even be on these forums where music is shared and leaked. THAT’s pathetic. Now quit bitching, and do something w yourself, like I don’t know, enjoy the songs! Edit- what you should be upset w is how millions of people attacked this girl when she released her song obsessed. How millions of people are the reason these songs are not coming out, not me. 👏🏻 second edit - how about you to respond to every single YouTube comment belittling her music and let them know to let her BE, But nope, you’ve decided to target me: PATHETIC
  9. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    So you wanna specifically single me out when other people who’ve had the song and other songs are also teasing snippets? Not cool, and don’t you worry. I won’t be posting anymore snippets.
  10. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    I didn’t leak her songs, other forum members have, and I’m 25. Not old, but okay. And I agree. I want Addison to release them as well, but she is more focused on film. Just enjoy them, geez 😆. Google is more concerned about her Oscar’s kiss than the song.e 😆
  11. MadameBlonde

    Addison Rae

    Addison Rae - NOBTR Enjoy https://onlyfiles.io/f/f5e0347ee9f14f80aa4bfcd3f7edb233
  12. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    I’m sorry, but sweat is better than charli’s last 10 albums
  13. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    So wait… you guys really like this atrocity of eternal flame over sweat?! Like come on, sweat is amazing, and we all know it!
  14. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    We truly need a sweat remix w Miranda Cosgrove
  15. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    We love sweat we love sweating we love diamonds and jewelry And we love being youthful forever We love Botox Injections we never CRASH we love Japan we love looking fresh and we love listening to Charli through blutooth is your speakers working? Cause sweat is on
  16. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    Can you guys share your CRASH covers! I’m curious to see other ones that aren’t official Glamour icon
  17. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    Would’ve be awesome if Charli would cover Jolene by Dolly Parton
  18. Honestly she chose to release the shittiest songs. Like cars is atrocious , and so was how many fucks
  19. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    Addison truly is a the future. Her new film is going to set trends.
  20. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    Also, can someone please make an extended edit of on and on, or later on I will 😆
  21. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    I just giggled so hard right now at the gym watching this Omg
  22. MadameBlonde

    Charli XCX

    Honestly, Sweat tops the entire crash album. The song is so catchy, like Charli should only be performing sweat over and over again on tour, like…. “Thanks guys, did you like that song? Well, I’m gonna sing it again right now” 😆 this is why we need a Miranda Cosgrove Kissin You remix
  23. She’s probs wearing diamonds rn
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