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Everything posted by KimKaDAB

  1. Wow to the amazing butterfly effect that was that Sky Ferreira x Elon Musk fake news leading to a possible end of twitter, everything around her is so unbelievably funny...
  2. This will be so fun to see, hope they're aiming to bring spray paint and some big stones with them
  3. She would end up arrested if it depends on herself 😭😭😭 LMAOOOOOOO tbh if I get to knew her by know only listening to ntmt and seeing her social medias I would thought it was some 90s revelation artist that died too early on her career
  4. I agree, will probably not do much, but idk maybe this will prove her demand I think Capitol may work as an hierarchy of who is priority in releases, like, real legends like ABBA and Paul>Katy>Halsey>Sam>some random white boy like lewis or the 1d boy>new artists with lots of hype like doechii>new artists with few hype>all the others>and Sky as the last one
  5. No, it doesn't seems she got a lowyer or know a way to get out, she said that she's looking for a way to leave with her music with her And tbh I'm only here for Descending and All My Lovers Die, like, sorry for her, but I rather have her trapped on Capitol and release singles every 3 years than lose those songs😭😭😭
  6. Free Sky Ferreira shared some dms wth her and it's basically what we already know/she has already said But she also said she's looking for another wait to officially release music without having to deal with Capitol, and she's aware that she can't left the label without losing her music
  7. Just like we were manifesting the Don't Forget Easter as a sign of resurrection? 😭
  8. We can't blame her, she didn't have any money to buy food, a girl need to do what she needs to do to survive Idk tonia lowkey right tbh, Halsey and capitol putting out a PR strategy that was basically the whole sky ferreira narrative, it looked like they were just laughing hard at her face
  9. A bop, don't care what anyone else has to say about it, it's a bop YOU NEVER TOLD ME ANYTHING ABOUT LOVE, ABOUT LOVE
  10. I feel like it's a cycle between her fault and capitol's Capitol doesn't support her, ghost her, and almost never give her the right dates to release > She gets angry, complain on Instagram, go try to finish things, spend her own money, and then she don't think it's good enough so she just shelve that, and get angry with herself bc now she don't have any money to do anything
  11. Ok guys, this been a long ride... I'm actually Sky, I'm sorry for keeping this secret for so long. All I'm asking is time, for me to explain, prove and finish everything. And I also need y'all to Venmo me a couple of dollar so I can finally proof my point and release masochism! And me and Halsey, we're finally in good terms, she wants to say hi. Hey there, it's Halsey here //LiIiIiIiVe wiThOUt mEπŸ’•πŸ’…πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
  12. It's almost december lol... That MV will never come out
  13. They're posting it to make her ashamed of what she did
  14. Sky instead of Rosalía in the BL remix would eat sm 😭😭😭😭 Rosy still mother tho, but she was doing too much to such a plain song I thing would be even better see Sky on an After Hours remix
  15. Just make a NTMT reissue already, I don't care about masochism anymore, don't even need to have new tracks, just a vinyl at a reasonable price is ok
  16. LMAOOOO Where tf she keeps her cameras?? Like, next to the oven or microwave??????
  17. Too late to know what should fathers done 🎹🎸🎹🎸🎹🎸🎹🎸🎹 You refuse to believe it was right to rip you out of my heart
  18. Just found out Sky's boyfriend is british, so when she spend a whole month there and we thought she was finally working on something she was actually just getting d... Good for her tho
  19. Nah I think they're good, they were interacting a couple of months ago
  20. Charli is such a good friend to Sky, anyone else would be SO FCKING angry at her, but she's lucky that Charli is super chill
  21. It doesn't bother me that much if Sky is lying or not lol, if she's lying shame on her but also good for her bc she's lying about a billionaire company yas comrade Skarx Ferrengels πŸ’• Nah but fr I don't think sky is 100% a victim but not believing her will do 0 benefit, believing or pretend to believe her may boost the ego and she could actually move and do things
  22. She couldn't reach a single note😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the worst part is that she was even worse in the all my lovers die performances
  23. I dont care if she's lying or not, for descending I pretend to believe her 100%, I would give my blood, kidney or even Venmo her a couple of dollars I NEED THAT SONG, GIVE ME THAT SONG
  24. She seems angry, probably she had a meet with someone or her submissions were refused/ignored Free Sky Ferreira on Twitter said that she's angry and telling lots of thing on their dms
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