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Everything posted by SoftwareUpgrade

  1. We need a MA spotlight post, I remember saving a Lana MA reface via @The Stargirl Pinky when I came here to lurk some random drama years ago
  2. Yes! I left the page number in the first post but I'll embed it! Edit: DONE @Surf Noir
  3. Lanaboards History: ChickenGate 🐔 We at LanaBoards have a history of "Gate" .gif incidents, one of our most famous was the "ChickenGate" that occured in the WCE thread, before release. 🥚 Pre Hatch: It was January 13th, 2022, we were expecting news of a new single for the American TV show "Euphoria" when inspiration from user @COCC(now on indefinite hiatus): Original Starting Post HERE This started a chain of events, parody lyrics deciphering what "WCE" could mean. This occured for around 10 or so posts until the Gate was unofficially officially coined by none other than @Surf Noir (I think ). 🥚 The Hatch: Shortly after it's newfound coinage, bird gifs and parody lyrics manifested out of thin air (by deranged Lipsters). 🥚 Making Yolks: Here are some of the bird .gifs & memes that stuck out to me the most: 🥚 The Bad Egg: After the initial meme-ing, @Surf Noir gave us an infamous .gif, a twerking turkey/chicken-esque creature: The Twerkkey Credit to @the ocean for sending me this possible re-upload of the original meme: 🐔 Small Feet, Big Impact: After ChickenGate died down (and was moved by Admin &/or Mods into the "Random Conversation Thread"), Lipsters went back to the usual petty quote posts, insider on insider fighting, and begging for leaks. ChickenGate was some of our newer users (me included) first "Gate" event (and technically the first "Gate" of 2022). Little did I know, I WOULD be involved with Lore curating many months later on LB: I hope you Lipsters enjoyed my lil discombobulated Lore post on "ChickenGate", many more to come! Remember, don't put all of your eggs in one basket 🐔🐔
  4. I was researching her last night through Twitter, thr cassette leak happened on August 17th 2019. I only saw one person say "think it's her" but either they got baited or were baiting because it was just a semi popular egirl, probably trolling any lana stans. If anybody has SCREENSHOTS of the Instagram lq post in your Google photos icloud, whatever. Pm me lol- I'd probably block her insta name out because it was years ago (I doubt anybody has archived evidence of it, but ya never know). Oh yea, I found an lq of the title track on little Debbie so I'm guessing that was from cassette girl Omg thank you, I wasn't looking forward to this one lmao. I know there's a gif of him on the earlier pages you could always add under a Spoiler , maybe that's too rude
  5. Alleged insider "dragonwhore" mentioned it earlier in the thread, try searching "Coronado" in the query bar
  6. Neil Krug liked tweet Archive: (I know its silly, but I thought I'd leave it here)
  7. Hm, it seems yourgirl666 made a few POV shitposting threads ✔️ softwareupgrade will remember this
  8. I would like to point out that "weadorelana" no longer exists/has rebranded. I read earlier in another thread when searching "gate" I saw a mention of a "weadorelana gate" . Don't know who they are, but found an account with a similar name that had comments under it asking each other "is this them" but others said no. Guess they did something? Eh, may make a niche lana Instagram lore mini post- maybe a "On other Lana stans" Lore post? Stans on other sites seem to messy but adding a few sentences per silly account might seem fun , I'd have to mention some of the nice/recommended fan accounts to balance it out....hrm
  9. I JUST looked up the Lana Del Rey vs Furry Allegations IG Live, and no, it wasn't deluluking It was "weadorelana"
  10. I found that FurryGate happened in the Blue Banisters Pre-Release thread, I'll have to see if the posts are there, or moved into the random discussion thread (cross referencing the dates) September 5th 2021
  11. I always see people wishing for yourgirl to appear in a thread but don't know their moments, care to define some below? (ANYONE WHO SEES THIS) I could try to look at their "reputation history" to see which posts people laughed at? Lol pm me FOR LORE PURPOSES
  12. Leaving this lovely fanart in here for my eventual DollGate post
  13. Going to take a guess that THE Zootopia background Tiger was his "awakening"
  14. I remember one of his da vree manifestos included an image of a buff furry tiger , guess he swings into furry-adjacent territory, lock up your dogs y'all
  15. I actually don't know but I know admin doesn't like him, she could probably fill us in, I know he used to spam post manifestos on a certain file hosting website
  16. Well I was really only considering making a post about the REALLY crazy banned people, LWF didn't really ping much on my radar , but eventually I may make a mini MINI post of "gone but not forgotten" compiling some funny posts of the more minor "banned users"
  17. @the ocean Considering posting some XCX moments whenever , I'll probably post in that thread tomorrow or early in the morning, dont know the timezone of most of the stans
  18. Oh I didn't mean the links, I meant the posts from that day (and if it's a Picosong link, it'll be dead/broken). Hopefully there's some good reactions. I'll have to make a small announcement post in that thread asking if any users want to reply over HERE with prominent XCXBoards moments. (I'd only request the moment, then I'd try to sleuth out the posts myself )
  19. I was actually considering making a mini post of prominent Charli thread moments, I was gonna look at the 2017 posts to see their reaction, but didn't know it actually leaked IN that thread. Guessing lots of it was deleted but there may be remnants
  20. Money can't buy you class elegance is learneddd, my friends elegance is learrrrrrned @shadesofcrazyforyou Lana Del Rey air freshener can merch when?? Complete with Lana decals. Scents will be: "cherry", "cola", and "bad mixing by Jack Antonoff"
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