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King of Saigon

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Posts posted by King of Saigon

  1. 1 minute ago, lanabanana11 said:

    This got me to thinking… has there ever been an instance on lanaboards… well I guess it would have had to have a been and chemtrails era, where someone didn’t have money at the time so a kind user offered this same offer of offering to preorder them a variant, and then after they did it the poor person asked politely for just one more because it’s their favorite color, and the kind person tried to resist and said “well what if I cancel this one and order the one that’s your favorite color” and then the poor person is like “oh no no I need both I will give you the money I promise” so the kind person does it. But then they ask once more for another variant and the kind person doesn’t want to argue so they do it. And then they do it twice more when two more variants drop and the kind person is getting overwhelmed and their credit card is almost maxed out because they themselves have also ordered each variant for themselves as well as some extravagant purchases from earlier in the month, and then the poor person requests the final neil Krug picture disc and the kind person says oh well alright but this is it! So they do it and their credit card got maxed out and they had to go to Elle to file a complaint but then the poor person denies it all and then the kind person has to take out a second mortgage on their house to afford to pay their maxed out credit card bill and spirals down a rabbit hole of depression and longing for more of a backbone?

    Well yes!


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