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King of Saigon

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Posts posted by King of Saigon

  1. 14 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    As someone else said awhile ago, the problem with Jack is that he works with many of her contemporaries and it dilutes her unique sound and vision. I mean, he's okay and he might be able to play 55 different Fisher-Price quality instruments but his work isn't particularly original or outstanding. Lana is more cinematic and pushing boundaries and experimenting 'n' shit. He's more a "look I came up with these 5 chords on my Fisher-Price keyboard, let's make a song out of them and everyone will think I'm genius, teehee" type of dude.

    Hopefully, the fact that she's working with some other producers means that she recognises this and is ready for something new :agree:

    I want new production as much as the next guy but don't underestimate Jacks contribution to NFR cuz that Venice Bitch instrumental makes me euphoric. Hes very versatile, as seen in his projects with other artist, but I have noticed some bleedthrough in his work with her contemporaries as you mentioned. But yes I am excited for new sounds with these producing teases, because as much as i like jack we do need a break and I never want him to produce a lana album again :blush3:


    Scream Queens Thank You GIF by FOX TV


  2. 4 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    oh yes definitely BUT let’s not act like anything on there is above uv, hm, nfr, btd or even half of lfl...

    it’s "and you lean on" not angelina tho :xcry:

    Or maybe I’m in my delusional era hearing Angelina and  believing that there are two albums coming ??

  3. 1 minute ago, lanasbottom said:

    oh yes definitely BUT let’s not act like anything on there is above uv, hm, nfr, btd or even half of lfl...

    it’s "and you lean on" not angelina tho :xcry:

    I swear I have a take 2 track of cherry blossom where she says Angelina :makeup:

  4. 8 hours ago, IanadeIrey said:

    THEORY INCOMING (bear with me) - 

    Okay so I went back and read the Music Week issue and I remember either Ben or Ed said “she has two albums in mind, I think” and proceeded to talk about “the plan” that they’ve been trying to do for years, which they finally think they can pull off. 

    Now, I don’t want to sound delusional but I don’t necessarily know anymore if the “two albums in mind” were the album that would follow Chemtrails and the cover album. 

    The reason I think this is because:


    1. There are 2 cover albums confirmed to be in existence - one of American standards and classic folk songs, and another of pure country songs. Yes, she may have merged the two, but at the time of this interview, they were distinguished as two separate cover albums. So it can’t be LDR 8 PLUS only one cover album.


    2. She never archived the post on IG about Rock Candy Sweet. Surely, she has archived posts before, namely snippets and the initial April 2020 announcements for Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass. So if the album truly was retitled, then wouldn’t she just delete the RCS post in place of BB?

    So, my theory is...


    There are TWO albums.


    - Rock Candy Sweet, which will be the album that challenges her place in the music industry, the crazy year she’s had in the public eye, and accusations of glamourizing domestic abuse and cultural appropriation.


    - Blue Banisters, which will be the album that takes stock of her life in between being a famous person and discusses personal developments, tells her own story, etc. 


    3. On November 17, she said she was working on two albums in a tweet. Chemtrails was already done at that point, so it could’ve been RCS and BB or BB/RCS (if they are the same album) and the cover album, but we’ll see. 


    Now, I know I said all this but I’m not entirely sold on it :rip: but I just thought I’d throw it out there to anyone who wants to add in their two cents. I’m leaning way more towards Blue Banisters being a retitled-Rock Candy Sweet.

    I’m going to believe this theory now Eo-Zgdhk-Xc-AAg-Yy-G.jpg

  5. 11 hours ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Did anyone else just get a notif that she posted a video? 

    Ive been getting like multiple nottfs from accounts I have notifs on for that they posted videos and then when i click it its a 2 day old video....... Insta acting up 

  6. 5 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Since I'm bored and this thread exists...


    Barrie posted this on his FB in 2019:

      Reveal hidden contents

    I've never had any faith in any government
    I have faith in people, and the universe
    I think we should help each other
    Strangers one n all
    Just help each other to make a difference
    Even if it's small 
    And I think it's up to you as a soul and human to create your own destiny and life with how you think, and how you feel
    And how you treat others
    What you think and feel 
     determines what you get in your external life
    Fear being the most powerful emotion on earth
    Is how we are controlled by the media 
    I advise people not to watch this video really haha
    But if you are interested in what the politicos and world leaders are really about
    You just have to watch the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel in Switzerland in 2016
    And ask yourself what is this?
    And what does this performance have anything to do with the opening of a tunnel? 
    It's the longest tunnel in the world
    For trains to pass under the alps
    All the heads of the EU were there watching on
    This to them was festivities 
    Again it's pretty freaky
    It lasted an hour
    I'm curious to know what people think of this 
    This by the way made it onto the mainstream media at the time




    If he believes in it and was with her when her career started, I don't think that she would have any involvement with it. At least not when they were together 

    I totally agree and lana has posted stuff like Nikola Tesla if you dont know him search him up on her insta before. And Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have but i have is partly  about the things she has seen in Hollywood and the industry. Plus the lyrics of Get Free are her claiming her departure form all that. Chemtrails was like a rebellion album to the Hollywood lifestyle and culture especially with Wild at heart, and Dark but just a game. White dress reminisces to the time where she felt freer. I think especially now she's just doing her own thing, and has a for a while. Its hard to refute that a lot of weird ass shit goes down in hollywood and like hella SA where people abuse their power. But i definitely think she has seen some shit where she dosent want to be a apart of that anymore. Who knows just based off her lyrics thats what i get. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, lizzyschemtrails said:

    I think the song is going to be beautiful, cinematic, sad and happy all at once. It sounds like she really just wants that true, simple, ideal relationship (talking about house chores, having children), and she’s desperately asking this guy (Clay) to do it all for her, and also “take away her pain” (obviously the “house chores” can be both literal and metaphorical). She’s asking him to be that guy for her. It’s a true love song. Also relates to the ideas within COTCC about her escaping, running away from fame, and settling into a normal life. This is the perfect continuation from that record if she decides to go down this path!


    The lyrics also remind me of Venice Bitch, in particular the lyrics, “give me hallmark, one dream, one life, one lover - paint me happy and blue”. Again, she’s talking about that idealistic ‘white picket fence’ life she wishes to build with someone, and the colour blue also plays into it thematically. 

    Love this so much. Just an extra thought I think maybe the phrase “paint my banisters blue” is a departure from her describing herself as blue or another person as blue, or being painted blue. No longer is it a person, it’s is the banisters, I’m picturing a house, more specifically like a lived in house.  It also reminded me of Venice bitch. I genuinely think she is on the verge of being happy now and just wants to settle down and build a house and just make music. Something I loved about COCC like you mentioned is how it was almost a rebelion from the Hollywood culture, lifestyle, and fame. This is very rare in a lot of big mainstream artist so I think that’s why a lot of people are turned off. But I loved COCC and the story it told. I’m going to start a post about COCC soon cuz it is just the definition of beauty and art. But I’m 100%  getting the same vibe that you are getting. 

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