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Everything posted by palemoonbaby

  1. if it was higher budget director should have copy. my option is she just dressed for herself and slaying the cunt energy
  2. fact that i had salmon for dinner yesterday if i predicted song title i wish i predicted some psycho weird eerie dark experimental vibes
  3. if Peppers are real then i'll buy pepper chips/tortilla chips and eat during album listening
  4. sorry for answering so late but i was on out. Lamoose i think is a fusion of 'Lana' and 'moose'. this would be song about being vulnerable but wild or (checked moose symbolism seconds before) being strong, determined and grounded, focused on own goals, manifestations.
  5. i had tracklist in my mind when i was sleeping. i remember 2 tracks. first was called Lamoose and second began on A- and sounded like chemical compound
  6. first listening Fingertips is gonna be experience and our ears will be in other dimension
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