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Everything posted by Honeyyoung

  1. "And God, does it sound sweet, like it's playing just for me"
  2. Black Bathing Suit Thunder Sweet Carolina Dealer If You Lie Down With Me
  3. everyone talking about how we don't have a cherry/cinnamon girl/tulsa jesus freak on the record but that's honestly dealer
  4. when dealer starts doing 2m streams a day and the album goes number one with 80k sales
  5. if it's digital only then it better be full of bops to secure those streams and i also really would like if she kinda invented a sound again like with born to die
  6. i do think she could've had a stronger 1st week sale if the vinyls counted. but i also think her label at some point is going to have to deal with that and she's going to have to make a "sucessful" album kinda like what happened with lust for life
  7. dealer really is the hit potential song of the album surprisingly or not going viral on tiktok
  8. Black Bathing Suit Thunder Dealer Sweet Carolina If You Lie Down With Me Wildflower Wildfire Violets For Roses Blue Banisters Arcadia Living Legend Cherry Blossom Text Book Nectar Of The Gods Beautiful Interlude - The Trio
  9. the piano is gorgeous but the melody is not that appealing for me
  10. yeah i don't care about beautiful at all. should've been scrapped and replaced with a better ballad
  11. if you *lie* down right next to me
  12. not possible my ass, lana the first artist to EVER collab with the deceased!
  13. but... they don't need to. they're literally fans that were talking to her about random things and sharing a special moment. i would like to see you pop in and literally start asking why she didn't re-record the unreleased music or why she reworked thunder or what is she doing next what producer what anything.
  14. now who was your favourite in the livestream? i liked the last guy's energy
  15. that livestream was so cute, i hope she starts doing them more often!!
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