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Everything posted by strangeandwild

  1. How do u know virgo is some of her dominant sign? U saw her birth chart or u can perceive it?
  2. I really hope she puts Pink Convertible and Happy Loner out before someone leak them. With what she said about her leaks, I no longer expect INHA to be released officially and that's so sad to me
  3. There's a theory that says this song is about Jack cheating on her. And the woman was a girl not really in their lifes, that's why she says that "for her it's just another day", bc for the woman it didn't mean anything, maybe she doesn't know Jack was with Marina
  4. Ikr. I love her ballads so much
  5. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ALBUM Guys, I noticed that the L+F unreleased (If its worth it, water under the bridge, please don't call me, absent love) were made in 2017. Do u think that songs are about Jack? Or about her past relationships? Bc as u know, they were together since 2015, so did they had that situations in 2017 already? I know it's not of my business but I just have the doubt
  6. I love this poem, is so powerful. But I feel really scare of what she's been through, she says that he was evil and basically he's a monster. I wonder if she's doing fine. And who's that awful man
  7. Since she has a bad relationship with her mother, I think she didnt know the right hour. Because the moms always know and sometimes the birth certification doesn't say it. I'm pretty sure she's totally a cancer, so the first one was the lie. Maybe she just lied about it cause she didn't know, as I said
  8. just did some research and i think u r right. the relationship wasn't serious until late 2012 when she confirmed it (october), even if they were "together" since 2011 she actually had something with harvey?
  9. did barrie cheat on lana?? i didn't know that
  10. R u saying he told her to gave him children and take away his pain? .-.
  11. guys, have u talk about who's the man she mentions in blue banisters snippet? i think is barrie but idk, the lyrics seems so deep to me!
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