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Everything posted by FineChaiNa

  1. Now maybe.. just maaaaaybe.. she was planning to get all the stripped back shit out of her system when the covid restrictions had all live events cancelled indefinitely and now that things are looking to open up again she's actually keen on changing things up and bringing in some heavier sounds - I wouldn't say WW is a full return to form but there were echoes of her Lynchian soundscapes to it. That is maybe the one that would most likely get played live aside from the actual subject matter being so deep and heavy (until more from the album comes our way) otherwise the rest is good for easy listening and being moody indoors.
  2. What if they rework WW with more synth more production, and fuller sounds? And electric guitars on Thunder take centre stage.
  3. And her revenge would be her silence, no more interviews and radio appearances to be taken out of context, no live streams for people to ask her weird questions, she just posts a selfie grainier than ever with a big fuck you to us all.
  4. Followed by an hour long performance with Nikki Lane.
  5. At this point, I'm wondering what exactly she cares about... ..def wasn't COCC.
  6. I have a feeling this is why she's scrapped so much of the tracklist, maybe she's had some epiphany and she's feeling just as bored with the stripped back lazy hazy vibe that took away so much of COCC replay value. She's probably genuinely interested in changing gears and experimenting... because at the end of the day I truuuuuuly don't think she'd be petty enough in dealing with critics and toxic fans to let the music suffer.. she's always been about the music. However, yeah she should speak up a little.
  7. Did you forget what she wore the night before the mall dress?
  8. I saw tracklist guesses and wanna throw mine in because why tf not haha Blue Banisters July Just For Me (I’ll Always Be Free) Dressing Down in Motown Textbook Back To LA (interlude) Ramshackle Rain Geraldine Wildflower Wildfire Hand to God Wild Nights Thunder Nowhere To Go But Down Jupiter Bonus tracks: Angels for Angelina//Cherry Blossom I Hate This I see it as something that builds progressively with instruments and production and from WW onward we see newer textures in the sound come in. I don't know why I have this feeling that she'd speak a bit more about the issues with her mother - Dressing Down in Motown as something where she dressed as other women to make up for the shifty ladies in her early life idk Oh and I know she's never said much for Emily Dickinson but Wild Nights as inspiration would be something cool
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