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Everything posted by lizzys

  1. everyone needs to calm down about dealer. sure, it is an experimental song but it’s fucking amazing and even if you didn’t like it i’m pretty sure it’ll grow on you. it definitely isn’t the “worst song ever” as a certain someone has said.. and if u haven’t heard it yet, u have a lot to look forward to. truly one of my favorite songs ever. + let me just say that the song (to me at least) seems very personal to lana. judging by the lyrics. the only reason why i’m calling it “experimental” is because most of you seem to see it that way due to the vocals, but to me the vocals are very emotional and expressing, so personally i wouldn’t call the song experimental but i can understand why some of you do call it that.
  2. idk if this is true but i saw someone on twitter say the album leaked and they tweeted a rating of all the songs.. i really hope it’s not true and that theyre just lying for attention
  3. i’ve said this a million times and i’ll say it again…i do not understand how people dislike wfwf.
  4. For anyone who considers themself as a fake fan for not buying physical versions of music or merch.: You are NOT less of a fan for not buying an artists’ music/merch! Especially with the shipping, it’s hard to purchase physical music/merch because it’s either limited for certain countries or the shipping is expensive + customs are high. I can assure you that your support and love is more than enough! Everyone’s financial situation is different, and for some people, collecting music or merch is useless because they’d rather spend the money on other important things they need for the price, or they just like sticking to streaming platforms because it’s enough for them and that’s fine! Most artists are incredibly grateful for your love and support and that’s all that matters!
  5. …or more likely the store made a mistake so they might ship it out earlier which would cause the album to leak
  7. one thing that still bugs me a bit is wfwf’s production… i honestly like jack’s production more than mike dean’s
  8. someone just said lanas next record after bb (and after the covers album) is grunge…pls is everyone an insider all of a sudden? lmaoo
  9. lizzys

    Instagram Updates

    @postingforlana on instagram!!! they’re reposting all her posts!
  10. lizzys

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    aaaand twitter is gone..
  11. lizzys

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    anyone can start again, not through love but through revenge. through the fire, we're born again. peace by vengeance brings the end.…???
  12. lizzys

    Instagram Updates

    in january she said that she’s planning a chemtrails tour so i don’t think so
  13. lizzys

    Instagram Updates

    i have to admit the video was so off, maybe i’m just conspiring but it sounded like she was about to cry and i just got an odd vibe…
  14. lizzys

    Instagram Updates

    i hope she considers a mailing list and sends us emails every now and then like lorde. that would actually be amazing
  15. lizzys

    Instagram Updates

    i’m gonna miss her so much wtf i’m really happy she’s taking care though, social media is really toxic, good for her.
  16. lizzys

    Instagram Updates

    what the actual fuck did i wake up to..
  17. yes, pretty sure. label and managers are two different things
  18. most likely, i mean they were on sale for chemtrails later as well
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