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Everything posted by OscarScheller

  1. March 22nd "Every time i think about you, i touch myself" + "pineapple" double single 9am est no games i stick to my theory My french husband told me
  2. So is nov 22nd 2022 but why would shy post this if it has no meaning in the imminent future She's so random
  3. OH MY GOD MARCH 22ND IS A TUESDAY This is like taylor swift kinda sh*t
  4. OscarScheller

    Charli XCX

    Wait, wdym? The album version supposed to be different?
  5. OscarScheller

    Charli XCX

    I guess beg4u and baby. Baby wil be ICONIC with the choreo. Mmmmmm baby
  6. HTE was the best album that got nominated quality wise, but it wasn't THE album of the YERA. You what i mean? Sour felt so so much bigger and was everywhere while HTE kinda flopped commercially. I bet on Sour to win aoty, not to my delight
  7. 30 is not the comeback it should have been after 6 years Sour baby ... Only if you are a high school student
  8. The PRODUCTION on HTE is really incomparable to WWAFAWDWG. Best pop album of 2021 with ease
  9. Now officially announced.. looks so bad. So sad, FSN was a decent start of the akbum rollout but this is a MESS
  10. https://twitter.com/leakingmusic/status/1490697865638944770?s=20&t=-iOCJVAJ09X44i_SO8nJUQ i know all these ""insiders"" are not it But What do we think?
  11. I will take an experimental trap album anyday over NFR4.0, i need a little spice
  12. Here me out: It's seems like with every album lana is teasing the next one with a speaific track that stands out with contrast in the album. For example: In UV, Old Money is reminiscent of Honeymoon. HBTB has that trap beat and cheeky lyrics that fit L4L. Change is like a step-sister to the last NFR! tracks Anyway, to me it feels like The Trio has this purpose. This is why it feels so out of place, it was never meant to be a transition and "prepare" us to BBS, it's a clue for what's to come in LDR9.
  13. OscarScheller

    Charli XCX

    Y'all relax if you want hardcore warehouse automobile hyperpop you can always stream pop2 and charli. What is the point of being an artist if she will always do the dame stuff? Excited for Baby.
  14. No no ur right i just edited my post lizzy was really that bitch
  15. The date on the post says 2010 but it was well before peacock was released Edit: oop i take that back i was surprised TD was released in 2010 I want lizzy to come backshe was amazung
  16. Someone really should leak some info on ldr9 i can't live in the darkness anymore i need CONFIRMATION
  17. This week.. my god.. all those clues make me feel like ldr9 really will be a departire from that piano. Mike, pusah t, drugs, boobs, she really says it all.. i am READY
  19. Why tho? The demo is fairly similar to the finished track and i think is a good representation of the album. The mid-tempo intimacy we get in roulette, tsunami, witness, dance with the devil, deja vu, mind maze. The album has it's own radio-tracks like swish swish, cttr etc but i think the former list is a better representation of the album concept
  20. I gotchu bb We only have rick seemingly confirming working with lana, the rest is fan speculation https://twitter.com/vcchng/status/1487823642994286592?s=20&t=cngc8E6dsr3UJ92ve9lzsA
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