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Everything posted by BartenderDeco

  1. i have 2 hours left!! and i got new airpods today since i lost my last 3 and now i can listen to wce in peace
  2. i just realised this might be the last song we get from lana for a long time (besides leaks)
  3. why do all gayle fp hate on lana… https://twitter.com/thebibieofpop/status/1483873741289705472?s=21
  4. i don’t think it’s rock candy sweet she just reused a line from the original song
  5. BartenderDeco


    so like abcdefu (angrier)?
  6. BartenderDeco


    i don’t hate her or anything, but i just don’t see what’s so talented about her. her songwriting is ehh, her voice is average. genuine question to her fans, what made you like her?
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