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Posts posted by BartenderDeco

  1. 6 minutes ago, none said:

    it's so gross seeing all u twinks share these shitty eurotrash like u just discovered soundcloud and nightcore for the first time. Sooooo delusional if u think kim will release that 💩

    kim already released 4 projects

  2. 2 minutes ago, 111 said:

    let me get this thread closed like the sky ferreira one, that'll show some of you :clapback:

    charli xcx thread next

    i love her but this website should never become charliboards

  3. 1 minute ago, Veinsineon said:

    who has the biggest leak contest! everybody whip out your leaks! lets see 

    coloringbooks vs eclipse leak contest:true:

    whoever leaks a lfl outtake first is the true hot and unbothered one

  4. 2 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    i'm a casual listener, i loved TOTL, some songs from the #1 era, some songs from Clarity and some unreleased songs too


    but this (Alone) feels so uninspired, old, already heared before, not fresh at all, and i'm lowkey tired of the 90s interpolations/samples

    since Unholy it's like she wanna flop

    it’s just artists trying so hard to get a hit and it’s tired… compromising quality for streams

    super freaky girl, i’m good and now, alone to name a few 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

    Thank you! We been waiting for these for a minute! Hope we get the others that were teased. Guilty and Vodka Soda pls!!

    this is really random but for a second i thought some twigs songs leaked cause she has unreleased called guilty and cherry soda:paris:

  6. 37 minutes ago, KimKaDAB said:

    Not Frank Ocean arriving 1 hour late, singing off key and having to end his set in the middle of a cover


    They really should already get married, it would be the hottest and laziest couple ever in hollywood 

    there’s chemistry 6BSgmXX.jpg


  7. 3 minutes ago, Elle said:

    Yes :xcry: so Kali please fill the slot on my calendar, I’ll take u somewhere real nice xx

    you need to spoil her in every way and act like it’s valentines everyday :nails:

  8. 4 minutes ago, Ceremonials said:

    honestly how has this not leaked yet

    it pisses me off how we have little to 0 lorde leaks… i would kill for a melodrama outtake

  9. 4 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

    the way some people cannot wrap their head around the fact that their favorite artist is not a circus animal designed to dance and perform for them 24/7 to "keep them entertained" is truly something :rip:


    i am so glad she does not listen to her "fans". some of them are truly her biggest enemies truly.

    THIS! she works hard enough giving us an album every 1-2 years and that’s all I could ever ask for 

  10. 14 minutes ago, blackpalmtrees said:

    Sooo no one here is complaining abt Lana doing nothing after the album release? Yall just let her sit on her big ass and vape while we have to get crumbs

    what do you want her to do lmfao? she doesn’t care about numbers so she’s not gonna go on every talk show in the universe. she hasn’t done much after album releases since 2017 and if you don’t like that unstan… be grateful we’re getting multiple mv’s 

    we’re not complaining cause what else is there to do? she dropped an amazing album and that’s all we can ask for

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