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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. @@Beemo my dear I would like a sig for OGG


    1. Type of Graphic: Signature

    2. Image(s) to be used:





    3. Text: TROPICO, using the B-movie horror font from the first promo image with the snake. I think the font is available on lanadelreynow.tumblr.com

    4. Mood: Very little effect, vintage/old movie if anything (but still B&W)

    5. Border: Rounded maybe? Up to you! I like how your current one is.

    6. Other Details:n/a

    How's this? :cuteface:


  2. Everyone's like "why does this person request so many covers?" Well I'm sorry but Beemo is awesome ok?  :kum:


    Hey Beemo! Could I please make a small request :hooker:


    Image: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=192


    Format: Basically exactly like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/28/Borntodiesingle.png , with LANA DEL REY at the top left and BEHIND CLOSED DOORS on the top right, both in white & and steelfish/Lana font please


    And exact format as a usual cover please :) No filters please :)


    Thanks in advance and do it whenever! I'll try to stop requesting so much lmfao :lolliney:

    How's this? And you can request anytime :lolliney:




    Can you make this 50X50?


    gJ41Hqh.gif Here ya go 

  3. Everyone's like "why does this person request so many covers?" Well I'm sorry but Beemo is awesome ok?  :kum:


    Hey Beemo! Could I please make a small request :hooker:


    Image: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=192


    Format: Basically exactly like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/28/Borntodiesingle.png , with LANA DEL REY at the top left and BEHIND CLOSED DOORS on the top right, both in white & and steelfish/Lana font please


    And exact format as a usual cover please :) No filters please :)


    Thanks in advance and do it whenever! I'll try to stop requesting so much lmfao :lolliney:

    Working on this when I get on my laptop :)

  4. What if this is the Telephone continuation O M G

    From OGG:


    Ok, I'm putting this theory out there because in my head its all coming together. 


    Listen to the beginning, 'I Killed my former and left her in the trunk on highway ten, put the knife under the hood, if you find it send it straight to hollywood'. 


    The highway was the finishing sequence of telephone, the shot of them fleeing into the sunset was her venture into the new raw ethic of what gaga really is. 


    The next lyric I wish to point out is the 'I am not a wandering slave, I am a woman of choice'. She is referring back to her being Beyonce's ali in the cafe, her accomplice of killing the people who keep attempting to get into her life, wanting her to change for the better of someone else. After the killing spree, she does into hiding, running away from the people who are trying to catch her. I feel the lyric from the burqa demo 'MY VEIL IS PROTECTION FROM THE GORGEOUSNESS OF MY FACE', basically so nobody finds her. 


    And then, in the next part is all questioning, as If the police have caught her ' do you wanna see the girl behind the burqa, behind the aura, behind the curtain' It's as if she is saying 'you really want to see the wrong doer of all these acts; the start in the spotlight, the prodigy and genius behind the sacrifice of what the media really want' the one who really killed the former, the cafe attendees'. You just have to piece the subliminal lyrics together


    Obviously the whole song is burqa related, In my head, its either a reference to the plastic surgery method 'knife under the hood' not confirming to hollywood's perfect image. But its a somewhat slapstic piss take of woman in hollywood, the 'hahahaha' segment. Its all reflective of the neglecting of needing to be perfect, in anthological viewpoints getting rid of the famous aesthetic that is: Beyonce, Gaga, Madonna The iconic females in pop history. 


    'I may not walk on your street, or shoot a gun on your soil' its all about when gaga toured, when she visited certain places, her 'performances' were in breach of political laws and views on the LGBT community. How 'GAGA' became more powerful for doing nothing wrong, and the lack of attention to the real problems in their countries. I feel this song is ridding the media, politics of the evil, the lies and the mannequin leaders that represent woman faith and sexuality as one. She's slating education rights, the lack of woman rights in politics and everything equality preventing. 


    Please feel free to add to any of this, I just think its possible that something like this can happen, i will be altering and adding to this, so add any ideas at any point, 


    what do you think?

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