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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. I was willing to listen to gaga's new album bbbuuutt ima skip that for katy perry...that girls jugs tho :defeated:


    didnt @@Beemo make it?

    its fuckin gorgeous

    I asked LDR to replace it with something else I had in mind for a Tropico theme. I didn't like how it looked, I was out of ideas when I made it. Waiting patiently now RgixUUJ.gif


    Hi Beemo!!! :D


    Could I please request a cover art lol?  :hawt:


    1. Type of Graphic: Cover Artwork

    2. Image(s) to be used: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=325

    3. Text: LANA DEL REY at the top (behind her head if you can), DO U LUV ME YET? at the bottom (don't judge the name, she was gonna name BTD that lmfao)

    4. Mood: Washed out? Whatever looks best

    5. Border: none

    6. Other Details: Same format as always, just like the BTD. Could you please do the LANA DEL REY and DO U LUV ME YET? in gold, as well as Steelfish please?

    Thanks in advance!! :D




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