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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. Hey there :hooker:

    I need a new set in honor of the return of the queen (Gaga)

    1. Type of Graphic: Set

    2. Image(s) to be used: https://d2g892zuoe3k49.cloudfront.net/4fc06d49c64dfcba55000000/590707517_700.jpg




    http://entretenimiento.starmedia.com/imagenes/2013/07/lady-gaga-naked-225x300.jpg (crop it to show from stomach up)

    3. Text: ARTPOP 11.11/APPLAUSE 8.19

    4. Mood: Futuristic

    5. Border: Mirror

    6. Other Details: Make it something that will stand out and Gaga-ish. You can exclude any pictures you think dont fit well. Put the first picture in the middle.


    Thanks :kiss:


    Working on this after I finish the previous request :) 

  2. OKAY. I want a cover* :D


    1. Type of Graphic: Cover Art

    2. Image(s) to be used: What can you come up with using these four? Use all or your choice of how many -  


    3. Text: If it's not too much hassle, one with A.K.A Lizzy Grant DEMOS and one with Lana Del Ray - A.K.A Lizzy Grant DEMOS so I can choose which, because I'm terribly indecisive :giggle:

    4. Mood: Surprise me!

    5. Border: Surprise me!

    6. Other Details: You know how I love surprises! :smile2:




     * - One of many, be prepared.

    Working on this when I get on my laptop :giggle:

  3. Hello! I'm here to request another sure-to-be amazing cover, if you could! :smile:


    1. Type of Graphic: Cover Art

    2. Image(s) to be used: http://www.lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=14404&fullsize=1

    3. Text: "LANA DEL REY" at the top, and behind her head if you could (like on her albums, or the last cover you made me. At the bottom, "PARADISE FOUND". All in the usual LDR font please :)

    4. Mood: Warm, summery

    5. Border: None

    6. Other Details: Same dimensions as typical album artwork please :) Also, center the picture on her portrait, please (i.e. get rid of the space on the side)


    As usual, no rush! Thanks in advance :thankyou:

    How's this?


  4. OH. MY. GOD. :icant:

    They're so beautiful.. You have SUCH talent.. Thank you SO SO SO SO much! It's actually kind of perfect you made two, because I have two MacBooks - one for work and one for home - I can use them both! Again, thank you so much - you're incredibly talented :kiss:

    Glad you like them :icant: looking forward to your next request :giggle:


    1. Type of Graphic: Wallpaper

    2. Image(s) to be used: Images from LDR's Vogue shoot -  http://globalgrind.com/style/lana-del-rey-british-vogue-full-spread-photos?gpage=4#gtop

    3. Text: "Those were the reasons and that was New York, We were running for the money and the flesh, And that was called love for the workers in song, Probably still is for those of them left" , "You got away, I never once heard you say. 'I need you, I don't need you'" , "Clenching your fist for the ones like us, Who are oppressed by the figures of beauty. You fixed yourself, you said, "Well never mind,We are ugly but we have the music." , "I can't keep track of each fallen robin" (Just some lyrics from CHN2, you can just scatter these about. You don't have to use all of these chunks, you can just use a few if that's better for you.)

    4. Mood: Surprise me :kiss:

    5. Border: Surprise me! :smile2:

    6. Other Details: I'm leaving this request really loose because I want you to be free with it - I love being surprised when it comes to me making a request. It leaves me even more satisfied by being surprised rather than knowing exactly what I'm getting! I hope that's alright with you!


    May I know the resolution of your computer screen? :smile2:

  6. Okay well when you take Beyonce out of the mix bc that song actually made an album, she's pretty much only collaborated with flops. So I thought the best options would be Tony Bennett, Elton John, The Lonely Island, and...uh....


    GOOD LUCK tbh

    Take yo pick







  7. Okay well when you take Beyonce out of the mix bc that song actually made an album, she's pretty much only collaborated with flops. So I thought the best options would be Tony Bennett, Elton John, The Lonely Island, and...uh....


    There are plenty of nice Tony Bennett pictures, either of these work:




    Only performance shots and candids with Elton John, nothing in very good quality:




    The Lonely Island--no fucking clue, to be honest. Anything you can find. Something from this video? Bound to look a little cheesy no matter what but that's cool.


    Uh Gaga + Wale/Midway State pictures exist but are very LQ. Can you find something you deem workable?


    GOOD LUCK tbh

    Found the photos I need. Here I go :angie:

  8. Okay I have an album cover request but before I make it I want to make sure it's not completely stupid :eek:


    Okay, it's for "Lady Gaga - Collaborations", and I've been thinking for a long time of what sort of cover would be appropriate for that because she has such a wide variety of collaborations. So I was wondering if there is possibly a way to incorporate several pictures of her with various collaborators but not really blend them all together. Like a grid of some sort with her logo in the center?


    Here, let me concept demo this shit:






    Does that make sense?


    Or a photo strip could be cute :hdu:


    If this sounds doable I'll find some pictures for you :hooker:

    Girl u know im olwayz up fo dis

  9. 1BUq6hV.png


    Nina Nesbitt (born 11 July 1994) is a Scottish singer-songwriter and guitarist born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Her single "Stay Out" reached No. 21 in April 2013 in the UK charts, it was her breakthrough hit.
    The "Way Of The World EP" and single was released on 23rd July 2013, as a follow-up to her first UK Top 40 single "Stay Out". Her debut album is expected to follow later in the year.
    Notable Videos:
    Stay Out

    Way In The World:

    Just Before Goodbye

    I thought I should share Nina Nesbitt to LanaBoards.
    Her music style and voice is SkyFerreira & Lorde's vocal and genre lovechild.
    Get into her! :smile2:
    P.S. I just bought my copy of Way In The World, it was worth every penny :smirk:
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