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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. Working on this. :)


    I'm not sure I could fit all of those in a signature, to be honest. If I could, then they'd all be really tiny. The maximum I can probably fit in there without it looking awkward is 5, I think. :ohno:


     Actually, I would like to request a set if you don't mind. :P

    1. Type of Graphic: Set

    3. Text:

    I Said "Daddy, I need you"

    Greenwich, I need you

    Strangled up in ivy


    4. Mood: Very Dark, a bit washed out .

    5. Border: Rounded or what you think fits.

    6. Other Details: I want the set to be not colorful, not black and white either, just not too colorful. I'd also like the main colors to be Black and tints of red on the roses (please add a few pics of roses that you think would fit in the set if possible). And if possible, can you add that smoke effect? I'd like the color of the smoke to be black (or white) and tints of red smoke too.


    Tried working on this, but I couldn't make anything decent. Photos from different photo shoots are always so hard to blend together and make them compliment each other. The photos had too much of a difference regarding the exposure and lighting, the final product looked really awkward :ohno: Maybe you can provide me photos from the same photo shoot? :ohno: Sorry!


     Actually, I would like to request a set if you don't mind. :P

    1. Type of Graphic: Set

    3. Text:

    I Said "Daddy, I need you"

    Greenwich, I need you

    Strangled up in ivy


    4. Mood: Very Dark, a bit washed out .

    5. Border: Rounded or what you think fits.

    6. Other Details: I want the set to be not colorful, not black and white either, just not too colorful. I'd also like the main colors to be Black and tints of red on the roses (please add a few pics of roses that you think would fit in the set if possible). And if possible, can you add that smoke effect? I'd like the color of the smoke to be black (or white) and tints of red smoke too.


    Working on it :)

  4. 1. Type of Graphic: Set

    2. Image(s) to be used: I'm on an iPad now so excuse the horrible links:

    Avatar: http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=10640&fullsize=1

    I dont know how many images you need for sig: http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=10635&fullsize=1 http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=10633&fullsize=1 . Generally from the Fräulein shoot >>>>>>>>> http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=157

    3. Text: Please excuse m-my vivacity

    Capacity for head games is incredible

    It’s better if you stay away from me

    4. Mood: kinda dangerous, vintage, scratched, smoky cigarette feel

    5. Border: ripped

    6. Other Details: none (:

    Working on this (:


    Hey Beemo :) could you make me a fb banner please, just a sig sized image?


    I want it to be sort of like this:





    But I want this part:





    Centered in this image





    I want it to go with the "summer nights" theme, kinda whimsical. And I know you know how to make it look right with borders and whatnot. Actually, if you have an image you think would look better that's good too. :)

    Did you mean just the text or Lana herself as well? :3 

  5. ..........Would you go out on a club with and party all night long? From what i've seen Scorvi lol


    ..........Would you challenge in a game of chess? Yoshi

    ..........Would you be like to be stuck with on an exotic island? Nadia

    ..........Would you take out for an expensive dinner? Nadia ;)

    ..........Would you punch in the face? Nobody:(

    ..........Do you think has the best taste in music? Well you all like lana, therefore you all have the best taste in music :)

    ..........Do you think has/had the best grades in school? Beemo

    ..........Do you think is the prettiest? Nadia you are fucking beautiful like a flower

    ..........Do you think stan Lana the most? Dont we all? Lol

    ..........Was your first friend? Hmm sbk5 I think


    (Let's cut to the thing already)


    ..........Would you bang? Can i pick multiple people or is that just me being a slut/ indecisive? But to answer: Nadia, AmericanBeauty, Ataraxia, xNoirx, Limelight (You're gay i know :icant:), Daniel, Cunt. Damn. I'll stop now. (I cant help that you're all good looking.)

    I had good grades in Elementary and High School.. in Uni... not so much :icant:

  6. Who on the forum...?

    ..........Would you go out on a club with and party all night long? @ @@xNoirx
    ..........Would you challenge in a game of chess? @ 
    ..........Would you be like to be stuck with on an exotic island? @@SitarHero :hairflip:
    ..........Would you take out for an expensive dinner? @@NEAL @ & @@lola :hoe: 
    ..........Would you punch in the face? :smile2:
    ..........Do you think has the best taste in music? @@NEAL
    ..........Do you think has/had the best grades in school? @@NEAL :icant:
    ..........Do you think is the prettiest? The flawless @@xNoirx
    ..........Do you think stan Lana the most? err1
    ..........Was you first friend? I think it was @ :icant:




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