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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. New sig request please :D




    1. Type of Graphic: Signature

    2. Image(s) to be used:



    3. Text: You say take it off, take if off...

    4. Mood: Vintage, floral, royal, whimsical, cabaret

    5. Border: nonspecific

    6. Other Details: I know this is a popular one right now :teehee:


    Hey! I finished your request. How's this? Also made you a matching avatar.



  2. Finally have a request :bodyisready:


    1. Type of Graphic: Wallpaper

    2. Image(s) to be used: Pretty much anything from the latest Nicole Nodland shoot (http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/2210-lana-del-rey-for-lofficel-paris-by-nicole-nodland/page-1)

    3. Text: Nah

    4. Mood: Bright? No pinks if you can avoid it, I kind of want to keep the same colors but understand if you have to change them since some of the pictures are B&W.

    5. Border: n/a

    6. Other Details: I don't know my resolution, but this site tells me I'm using 1366 X 768. I love the picture where she's kneeling down and smiling at the dog and like the way it's integrated into the previous set you posted so if you could do something like that that would be sweet.


    Please and thank you :crying2:


    Working on this :sass:

  3. Pawn Shop Blues: This song invokes many emotions in me. I can't directly relate to the song, but the rawness of it really makes me feel so light headed in the most positive way ever. I can almost imagine a movie just based on the whole song itself, plus, the minimal production on the song makes it seem really vulnerable and sensitive - something that I feel gets overpowered by the soaring strings on most songs off of Born To Die and Paradise. 


    Honorable mentions because of the feels:

    Never Let Me Go, Lucky Ones, On Our Way

  4. Thank you! :) As many as you possibly can would be great, but if you can't use them all that's fine. The first 5 are my favourites!

    Couldn't really decide on a good font, so I made them textless. Hope that's alright with you. Also made some matching avatars in case you wanted these. Also made two versions since I can't decide which looks better :smile2: Take your pick.




  5. Thank you! :) As many as you possibly can would be great, but if you can't use them all that's fine. The first 5 are my favourites!

    Alright! Let me see what I can do. We wouldn't want the signature to look so crowded. :3 Working on it now

  6. Hi, I was wondering if you would make a signature for me?



    1. Type of Graphic: Signature

    2. Image(s) to be used: 









    3. Text: Don't (Boy?) you wanna come to my motel, honey?

    4. Mood: Vintage, faded, tropical

    5. Border: none specific

    6. Other Details: I'm not 100% sure on the Don't/Boy lyric, so whatever you think :)

    Working on this. Do you want me to use all images? or just choose a couple? :)

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