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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. Hey Beemo, could you possibly make this for me please? I've tried making my own signature but I'm not that good  :facepalm:


    1. Type of Graphic: Signature.

    2. Image(s) to be used: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2hp5dvt.jpghttp://oi49.tinypic.com/35klbg8.jpghttp://oi45.tinypic.com/161m5x5.jpg.

    3. Text: I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy.

    4. Mood: Vintage, Floral.

    5. Border: Rounded Border.

    6. Other Details: Nothing else, just have fun with it I guess. :kiss:

    How's this? I also made a matching avatar in case you wanted one.



  2. Hey Beemo, could you possibly make this for me please? I've tried making my own signature but I'm not that good  :facepalm:


    1. Type of Graphic: Signature.

    2. Image(s) to be used: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2hp5dvt.jpghttp://oi49.tinypic.com/35klbg8.jpghttp://oi45.tinypic.com/161m5x5.jpg.

    3. Text: I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy.

    4. Mood: Vintage, Floral.

    5. Border: Rounded Border.

    6. Other Details: Nothing else, just have fun with it I guess. :kiss:


    Working on it :sass:


    Wow, I really love the cover for Never Let Me Go. :flutter: Good work! I look forward to more covers from you. :)

    I'll update this thread soon :3


    I love Never Let Me Go, I always thought that photoshoot fitted with the song :flutter: (infact i made my own for the song with another pic)

    Ditto. I love the photoshoot :flutter:


    They're really beautiful, I loved it, you're so creative! Congrats  :kiss:


    Thanks :crying:

    NLM is gorgeous

    The photo shoot is amazing :oprah:


    Enjoying your gap year I see. Love it, Roie ;*

    Hey Leo. Thanks :hoe:


    Never Let Me go >>>


    Aside from the photoshoot being beautiful, i also really love the font you picked :3

    Thanks, good sis ata :sass:


    These are really beautiful. The cover for Without You is so fitting. It looks as if she's gazing into the distance, missing someone, feelings alone, without you. And Never Let Me Go is also gorgeous. I love that photoshoot.

    Thank you!


    Never let me go is really pretty and pawn shop blues is really lizzy, i like it

    Thanks Lola :hoe:


    never let me go is amazing omg beemo i've been waiting for you to open this thread for years 


    i just

    That gif :lmao: Thanks



    Thanks you guys. It means a lot :icant:


    Hello, could you make this for me, please :

    • Type Of Graphic: signature and avatar
    • The Images:
    •  The Size: sorry i dont really know the same as yours i suppose
    • The Style Or Mood : keep the images of lana colourful but please dont put pink in the background 
    • The Text : I Wanna Be A Real Fake
    •  Border: Rounded

    • Other Details: suprise me ;)

    How's this?





    Hello, could you make this for me, please :

    • Type Of Graphic: signature and avatar
    • The Images:
    •  normal_004.jpgnormal_tumblr_m2vweloUMd1rtpwoso1_1280.j
    • normal_002.jpg
    • normal_344.jpg
    • The Size: sorry i dont really know the same as yours i suppose
    • The Style Or Mood : keep the images of lana colourful but please dont put pink in the background 
    • The Text : I Wanna Be A Real Fake
    •  Border: Rounded

    • Other Details: suprise me ;)

    Working on it :)

  6. I'm afraid I can't help you with this, I've tried multiple times, nothing comes out decent and the pictures are way too small for the dimensions :( I'm sorry~

  7. :wtf3:


    Bumping this


    Why is the defeated creature facing away from us now? Is that, like, so defeated that you have to turn away because you feel humiliated?


    Or did we just walk 180° around and now we are behind the defeated creature? Why did we do this? That's probably making the defeated creature nervous. Why would we walk behind someone who is on their hands and knees? 


    Is this going to turn into a BDSM thing? 



    Also, this is negativeman flailing into nothingness

    oy4mpqt.gif :defeated2: :defeated3: 


    :notamused: 65d1mLC.jpg

  8. Ohhhh Beeeeee my darling, can I just get you to fix me a phone wallpaper? Then I will leave you alone for a little while I promise :P


    Can you add some text to this? Your font is so much better than my crappy ipad app :giggle:


    How's this?


  9. Hi Beemo :) I loved my last few requests so much that I'd like to make another!  :)

    1. Type of Graphic: Set

    2. Image(s) to be used: In the sig, you don't have to use all of these, just whichever you think would look best!







    3. Text: I need you, I breathe you, I'd never leave you.

    4. Mood: Very vibrant, colorful, and somewhat highly saturated. I don't want her to be orange though :P  I love the cobalt blue and the red together in these photos.

    5. Border: Rounded, please!

    6. Other Details: I want the avatar to be of the first image I listed. Also, maybe in the sig, you could flip some of the images horizontally so they're not all facing the same direction?  :)

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!  :kiss:



    Ohhhh Beeeeee my darling, can I just get you to fix me a phone wallpaper? Then I will leave you alone for a little while I promise :P


    Can you add some text to this? Your font is so much better than my crappy ipad app :giggle:


    "Baby love me cuz I'm playing on the Radio"





    And just keep all the dimensions for me. Thanks! xx

    Working on both of these :)

  10. Hi Beemo! Been a while since ive requested anything, but:

    Type of graphic: wallpaper

    Images: Any of the photos from the Spex magazine except the ones with her tongue out, they're not my favourite in the world.

    Text: You're my little Sparkle Jump Rope Queen, You're my little Sparkle.

    Mood: Bright, tropical, I fancy something different:)

    Border: a faded pink sparkly thing, not a solid one

    Other details: None:)


    Pretty much figured borders wouldn't fit it, also, I made two versions with different colorings. Pick whatever :3



    1. Type of Graphic: set

    2. Image(s) to be used: http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=107

    3. Text: Nothing compares to you.

    4. Mood: Dark

    5. Border: Mirror?

    6. Other Details: http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=107&pid=5342#top_display_media avi please.

    Working on this :)

  11. Hi Beemo! Been a while since ive requested anything, but:

    Type of graphic: wallpaper

    Images: Any of the photos from the Spex magazine except the ones with her tongue out, they're not my favourite in the world.

    Text: You're my little Sparkle Jump Rope Queen, You're my little Sparkle.

    Mood: Bright, tropical, I fancy something different:)

    Border: a faded pink sparkly thing, not a solid one

    Other details: None:)


    Ok, let me work on it :)

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