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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. I noticed you wanted the signature to be 500x500, but I'm afraid that goes well over the limit of signature sizes on LanaBoards, so I just used the dimensions I work with the best. I also made you matching avatars, in case you wanted those. Just take your pick. Didn't do much with the coloring, to keep the colors, like you wanted.


    mtFhc5i.jpg lG1X4vE.jpg


  2. Request please!


     Type of Graphic: Signature

     Image(s) to be used:  (Use as many as you want and if the photos are too different I can pick a photo shoot) 





     Text: no text

     Dimensions: 500 x 500

     Mood: Vintage // Glamour

     Border: not rounded, but whatever you think is appropriate

     Other Details: Can you please incorporate the old LDR logo too? http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/028/8/6/lana_del_rey_logo_by_dontcallmeeve-d4nwkmg.png

    Tried working with them, but they're just too different :c Do you have a photo shoot?

  3. @@Beemo any way you can make a signature from the new Gaga picture for V Magazine for me, to match my current avatar? Looking at them next to each other, the new picture looks much less bright and the background doesn't match.


    Now you know me so I want approx zero tits or vaginas, so chest and up is fair game. Her eyes look kind of weird to me but I'm here for her glorious hair and bunny teeth. Maybe ~mysteriously~ crop them :eartha:


    The picture if you need it:






    And if you can't brighten it up and change the background then edit the avatar as you see fit, too. But I want the simple colors and brown hair to remain intact so nothing too heavy, you know?

    I tried :eartha:



  4. im a casual listener for about 14 months after I got Country Song on iTunes. I should probably DL the whole album. I like Seen it all

    Luv him

    Just started listening to him recently, my favorite is probably Broken and Country Song :smile2:

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